The Greenland Dove. Columba Groenlandica.
Numb. LXXXV.
THIS Bird is about the Bignefs of a Pigeon, and the
Cock is all black except a large white Spot inclining
to yellow on the middle of each Wing; the Bill is black,
lharp pointed, and a little crooked at the End, and prominent
; it hath in each Wing twenty fix quill Feathers.
This Bird is looked upon to be the fame with that they
call the Greenland Dove in Holland, and the Puffinet of the
Fame IJlands,which they fay is of the Bignefs of a Dove ; its
whole Body is black in the Summer time, excepting the
white Spot on the Wings, but in the Winter it turneth white ;
it has a lharp Bill, and it builds its Nfcft in the Holes of the’
Rocks, and lays two Eggs : It is thought to be the lame
with the Turtle of the Bajs IJland near Edinburgh in Scotland,
the Names and Bird very much agreeing. The Rea-
fon of giving it the Name of the Dove or Turtle, is from its
laying but two Eggs at one Time;.
The Legs of thé Cock are red, thole of the Hen of a
brownilh Alh, both wanting the back Toe ; the Hen hath not
the white Spot on the Wing ; the Head, Neck, Back and
Wings are of a dark brown inclining to black, and the whole
Belly white.