JS .S lib v n ¿¿c/vn. iu /tg u /a ,. £ a f/ i/ ia rrfa ¿ rc jp t 7 b n r. £%£ H/at/c.-¿nSdit& tffidcfe.
The Tufted Duck. Anas Fuligtila.
Numb. xcv.
ITS Weight is thirty two Ounces ; its Length from the Tip of the
Bill to the End of the Tail is feventeen Inches and three quarters ;
the Breadth when the Wings are extended thirty Inches; the Bill from
the Tip to the Corners of the Mouth is about two Inches long, broad,
of a pale blue Colour, all but the Tip, which is black; the Feathers of
the Forehead defcend down the middle of the Bill in a Peak or Angle;
the Noftrils are great, and placed at fome Diftance from the Plumage ;
the Irides of the Eyes are of a yellow or Gold Colour; the Ears fmall, as is
common in all Water-Fowl; the Head, efpecially the Crown, is of a dark
purple, inclining to black, or rather a Mixture of black with fome purple;
at Venice and other places in Italy, it is called Capo Negro; it hath a
Creft or Crop hanging down backwards from the Head an Inch and a
half long ; the Colour, of the Neck, Shoulders, Back, in fine, the whole
upper part, is a dark brown, almoft black.
The Wings are ihort, and all the covert Feathers black ; the four outer-
moft Quills of the fame Colour with the Body, the fucceeding by degrees
whiter; the fecond Decade or middle Quills are purely white, except
their Tips which are black; t the next fix are wholly black, and the
Tail is very ihort compofed of fourteen black Feathers. The nether Side
of the Neck, and fore Part of the Breaft are black, and the reft of theBreaft
and Belly as far as the Vent, of a white or filver Colour; the lower the
darker ; behind the Vent it is black, the lateral Feathers covered by the
Wings when clofed; thofe on the Thighs, and the under covert of the
Wings are white; the interior Baftard Wing confiftsof fix white Feathers;
the Legs are ihort and fituate backwards; the Feet of a livid or dark Lead
Colour, the Web black, and the Toes long.
The Body is ihort, thick, broad, and fomething comprefled or flat •
the Wind-Pipe hath its Labyrinth ; the Liver is divided into two Lobes,
having a Gall annexed ; the Gizzard is compofed of thick Mufcles, and
therein was found nothing but fmall Stones and Sea Wreck.