E R I O P H O R UM pubescens.
Downy-stalked Cotton-grass.
TRIA N D R IA Monogynia.
Gen. Char. Cor. none. Glumes imbricated all round,
uniform, expanded. Seed subtended by numerous
very long hairs.
Spec. Char. Stem angular upwards. Leaves flat,
lanceolate, with a triangular point. Stalks of the
spikes downy. Hairs twice the length of the
Syn. Eriophorum pubescens. Sm. Engl. Fl.v. 1.68.
Hook. Brit. FI. 25.
E. angustifolium. Poit.et Turp. P ar. t. 51. (Sm.)
E. latifolium. Schrad. FI. Germ. v. 1. 154. (excl.
syn-) [
R o o t perennial, apparently creeping, but broken in
the specimen here figured and described. Stem triangular,
leafy, especially below, and at the very base clothed thickly
with the old decayed leaves. Leaves linear-acuminate,
keeled below, flatter upwards, narrow and triquetrous at
the point; the margins, especially at the points, scabrous,
cauline ones short with long cylindrical or somewhat triangular
sheaths, which are brown at their summits. Bracteas
large foliaceous, sometimes as long as the peduncles, lanceolate,
acuminate, concave below and there dark brownish-
black, the points triquetrous and scabrous. Spikes ovate,
2 to 8 or 9, peduncles varying in length, curved, somewhat
angular, more or less distinctly scabrous (not downy) with
short rigid often shining brownish hairs, or points. Glumes
ovato-acuminate, membranaceous, dingy-brown, more or
less pale at the base and margins. Stamens protruded
considerably beyond the glumes. Anthers linear, yellow.
Seed obovato-triquetrous, rather obtuse, brown : surround