E R I C A ciliaris.
Fringed-leaved Heath.
OCTANDRIA Monogynia.
Gen.Char. Calyx of four leaves. Corolla of one
petal. Capsule superior; partitions from the
centre of each valve.
Spec. Char. Anthers awnless, included. Corollas
ovate gibbous on the upper side. Leaves 3 or
4 in a whorl, ovate, glaucous beneath, fringed as
well as the calyx with glandular hairs ; racemes
S y n . Erica ciliaris. Linn. Sp. PI. 503. Curt, in
Bot. Mag. t. 484. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 2. 393.
DeCand. FI. Fr. ed. 3. v. 3. 678. Lindl. Syn.
Brit. 174.
Erica hirsuta anglica. Bauh. Pin. 602.
Erica XII. Clus. Hist. v. 1. 46.
.A-LTHOUGH Bauhin in his Pinax calls this Erica
hirsuta anglica, and Hudson in the first edition of his Flora
enumerates the E. ciliaris as a British plant, it is on all
hands acknowledged that they were both in error; that the
former wrote the word “anglica” by mistake, and that the
latter had in view the hairy-leaved variety of Calluna vuU
garis. The credit, therefore, of discovering this very
beautiful species of Heath, and first making it known to
the Botanical world as a native of England, is due to my
excellent friend the Rev. J. S. T-Ozer of Truro, Coin-
wall, a most zealous, accurate, and fortunate botanist, who
found it growing in tolerable abundance in boggy (never in
dry) situations around the place of his residence *. So
striking a plant could not have escaped the observation
* In several spots in the neighbourhood of Truro, but most plentifully
and most luxuriantly at East Cro/t.