POTAMOGE TON zosterasfolius.
Grass-wrach-like Pond-weed.
Gen. Char. Pet. 4. Cor. none. Seeds 4, naked,
sessile. Sm.
Spec. Char. Leaves broadly linear, acute, with three
principal and numerous close, parallel, intermediate
nerves occupying the whole surface. Spikes
cylindrical, upon long peduncles.
Syn. Potamogeton zosteraefolius. " Schumach. FI.
Scelland.” Mert. et Koch Deutsch. Fl. v. 1. 853.
Reichenb. Iconogr. Bot. t. 175. f . 308. Cham,
et Schlecht, in Linncea, v. 1. p. 182. t. 4. ƒ. 10,
Hook. Br. FI. 74.
P. cuspidatum. Schrad. ined.—Sm. Engl. FI. v. 1.
T h i s rare species of Potamogeton we noticed when describing
the P . acutifolius of Link, at t. 2609 of the present
Supplement. To that species, indeed, it is very closely
allied in habit and foliage ; but it is a stouter and stronger
growing plant, and the leaves are more truly linear, acute,
and not gradually attenuated into a point. The peduncles
are greatly longer, 3 to 4: inches in length, cylindrical or
slightly thickened upwards. The spikes are cylindrical,
and consequently bear more flowers, in which there appears
to be no difference.
Our figure is taken from a specimen sent to us by
Mr. Drummond from the Lake of Forfar, where, as well