JU e trch 7*9 7&37.
AVENA planiculmis.
Flat-stemmed Oat-grass.
TRIANDR1A Digynia.
Gen. Char. Cal. many-flowered. Cor. awned at
the back, cloven, nearly cylindrical; inner valve
flat, ovate. Seed elliptic-oblong, united to the
hard outer valve.
Spec. Char. Panicle erect, compound. Spikelets
erect, linear-oblong, of from 5 to 7 florets, much
longer than the calyx. Leaves scabrous, broadly
linear, suddenly acute, minutely serrated. Sheaths
sharply carinated, scabrous. Lower part of the
culm slightly compressed, 2-edged.
Syn. Avena planiculmis. Schrad. FI. Germ. v. I.
381. t. 6. ƒ 2. Hook. Brit. FI. 51. (not of Engl.
Bot. and of Hook. FI. Scot, which is A. alpina
Avena latifolia. Host Gram. Austr. v. 4.19. t . 32.
E have ourselves in the Flora Scotica fallen into the
error of considering the Avena alpina of Sir James Smith,
which is not uncommon in the Scottish Highlands, as the
A. planiculmis of Schrader. The true plant of Schrader
has only hitherto been found, and that lately, in one spot in
Britain, namely, at Glen Sannox, on the ascent of Goat-
fell, from Loch Rannoch, in the Isle of Arran, Scotland,
by Mr. Stuart Murray. Cultivated in the garden, it preserves
all its characters, and in every respect agrees with
our wild German ones, and with others from the Continent,
cultivated in the Botanical Gardens of Edinburgh and