JU NGERMA N N IA orcadensis.
Orcadian Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Common receptacle of the fruit none.
Perianth or Calyx monophyllous, tubular (rarely
wanting). Capsule 4-valved, terminating a peduncle
which is longer than the perianth.
Spec. Char. Stem erect, nearly simple, leaves closely
imbricated, erect or patent, cordato-ovate, the
margins recurved ; the extremity emarginate.
Stipules none.
Syn. Jungermannia orcadensis. Hook. Brit. Jung,
t. 71. FI. Scot. P . II. 113. Hook, fy Taylor, Muse.
Brit. ed.%. 230. Spreng. Syst. Veget.v. 4.229.
%f • O R C AD E N S IS , as its name is intended to commemorate,
was first found by Mr. Borrer and myself, upon
the Wart Hill of Hoy, in the Orkneys ; but subsequently
Mr. Lyell has met with it at Catlaw, Kinnordy, Scotland,
and at Ambleside in Cumberland ; and Dr. Taylor on
Brandon Mountain, Ireland. I have, indeed, seen it not
unfrequently on various mountains in Scotland ; never in
abundance, but scattered in loose straggling tufts, or drawn
up singly among Mosses, especially Trichostoma.
Boots, consisting of small pellucid fibres, are sent out
from the underside of the stems, by which they are slightly
attached to neighbouring substances. Stems usually erect,
and simple, or slightly branched with innovations, 2 or 3
inches long, flexuose, destitute of stipules. Heaves generally
closely placed, bifariously inserted and obliquely
spreading, or, as is frequently the case, pointing to one