L E P ID IUM Draba;
Whitlow Pepper-wort.
Gen. Char. Pouch with the cells 1-seeded; the
valves keeled. Petals equal. Cotyledons incumbent
rarely accumbent. Br.
Spec. Char. Leaves amplexicaul, broadly oblong or
lanceolate, entire- or toothed. Pouch cordate,
entire at the apex, crowned with a style about
its own length. Br.
Syn. Lepidium Draba. “ Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 1. 645.”
Br. in Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. 86. Decand. Syst.
v .2 . 529. Prodr. v. If 203. Hook. Br. FI. 297.
Cochlearia Draba. Linn. Sp. PI. 904. Jacq. FI.
Ausir. t. 315.
W E possess specimens of this plant, gathered many
years ago, near Swansea, by Mr. James Turner ; and last
year, 1829, the Rev. M. J. Berkeley sent us others from
St. Peter’s and from Ramsgate, Kent: at the former place
“ it was spread over the greater part of a clover-field ; in
the latter it was growing on the side of a road, and abundantly
in some waste ground on the other side of the hedge.”
With these claims to be considered a native, we have ventured
to introduce it into the British Flora : but it is one
of those plants we are rather disposed to consider naturalized
strangers, than original natives of the country, and
it has probably been introduced with agricultural seeds
from the Continent, being scarcely deserving of cultivation
in the flower-garden.