convex wet than dry; the surface of a very minutely granulated
appearance under a powerful glass; internal substance
rather paler, sometimes with an orange tint, marked,
according to Mr. Sowerby’s observations, with obscure
vertical striae.
It may very reasonably be questioned whether this species
has a just claim to a place amongst the Lichens, and
whether what is taken for its thallus is in reality more
than a discoloration of the bark. Specimens from Acha-
rius, preserved in the museum of the Linnean Society, authorize
the citation of the two synonyms given above.
' Dia n d r ia .
V E RO N ICA hirsute................ 2673
------ agrestis.................................. 2603
—— calc. 2603
T r ia n d ria .
Crocus praecox ....... 2645
------ aureus .................................. 2646
Cyperus fuscus ............................. 2626
Eriophorum pubescens................ 2633
Hierochloe borealis ....... . 2641
Avena planiculmis ........ 2684
Digitaria sanguinalis.................... 2613
■■ — humifusa calc. 2613
T e tra n d ria .
Isnardia palustris ....... .*............... 2593
Potamogeton acutifolius ............ 2609
——-I zosteraefolius........................ '2685
Pen ta n d ria .
Myosotis caespitdsa .................... 2661
------ sylvatica .............................. 2630
------ arvensis ........................ 2629
------collina .....................a d calc. 2629
Primula scotica.................... ........ 2608
Phyteuma spicatum .................... 2598
Chaerophyllum aromaticum....... 2636
Statice binervosa ........................ 2663
H e xa n d ria .
Juncus balticus............................ 2621
— n igritellus............................ 2643
------ ccenosus ............................. 2680
—— capitatus ........................#... 2644
Luzula a rcu a te ............................ 2688
Erica ciliaris ................................ 2618
Elatine Hydropiper .................... 2670
------hexandra .......... ad calc. 2670
De ca n d ria .
Arenaria rubella ........................ 2638
Reseda fruticulosa .................... 2628
Rosa Sabini ................................. 2594-
Rosa Doniana ......................... 2601
------inodora................. ., calc. 26,10
------ sepium ........... 2653
------ sarmentacea ........... 2595
------ dumetorum .......................... 2610
------ Forsteri ........................... 2611
Rubus carpinifolius .................... 2664
------ rhamnifolius ...................... 2604
------ leucostachys.......................... 2631
— — macrophyllus ............... 2625
------Köhleri ............................... 2605
P olyandria.
Papaver nudicaule........................ 2681
D id y n am ia .
Stachys annua ............................. 2669
Orobanche caryophyllacea ....... 2639
Te tradynamia..
Lepidium Draba ........................ 2683
Geranium purpureum ................ 2648
------ Robertianum ....... ad calc. 2648
Althaea hirsute ............................ 2674
Diadelphia. .
Ononis arvensis............................. 2659
------ antiquorum ........... .ad calc. 2659
Vicia angustifolia........................ 2614
Melilotus leucantha .................... 2689
Lotus tenuis ................................. 2615
Medicago minima........................ 2635
------denticulate .......................... 2634
Hieracium amplexicaule ............ 2690
Antennaria hyperborea................ 2640
Doronicum Pardalianches ....... 2654
------plantagineum .........a d calc. 2654
G yn a n d ria .
Orchis militari.............................. 2675
------ tephrosanthos .........a d calc. 2675
Ophrys fucifera............................ 2649
------ arachnites.............................. 2596