R E S E D A fruticulosa.
Shrubby Base Rocket.
DODECANDItlA Trigynia.
Gen. Char. Petals in many segments. Capsule of
one cell, gaping.
Spec. Char. Leaves all pinnated, waved, glaucous.
Calyx 5-partite. Petals 5, nearly equal, trifid.
Syn. Reseda fruticulosa. Linn. Sp. PI. 645. JVilld,
Sp. PL v. 2. 878. Jacq. Coll. v. 3. 195. Ic.
Rar. t. 474. Sm. in Rees’s Cycl. n. 7. Hook,
in Brit. FI. 218.
T h i s interesting addition to the British Flora was discovered
in June 1829, on an old hedge, between Mara-
zion and Penzance, Cornwall, undoubtedly wild, by the
Rev. J. S. Tozer. It was at that season in full flower;
and Mr. Tozer drew up the following description from
the living plant: “ Root woody, tapering, which bears
in a shrub-like manner several stems. Stems more or
less branched, wand-like, hollow, striated, leafy, 2 to 3
feet hi°-h. Leaves pinnated. Pinnules linear, with their
margins frequently waved, particularly the upper ones.
Each leaf is furnished with a minute tooth on each side at
the base. Racemes terminal, erect, many-flowered, extremely
dense towards the top, pointed. Bracteas linear,
solitary at the base of each simple flower-stalk, than which
they are a little longer. Calyx inferior, of one leaf, deeply
divided into 5 linear-lanceolate, spreading, permanent segments.
Petals 5, equal and similar, 3-cleft at the summit,
longer than the fcalyx. Filaments 11. Germen with about
4 angles, tumid. Styles 4, before impregnation erect, afterwards
spreading, permanent. Anthers at first of a
brownish yellow, becoming very pale buff-yellow as they