M E D I C A G O denticulata.
Toothed Medick.
Gen. Char. Calyx somewhat cylindrical, 5-cleft.
Keel rather distant from the vexillum. Stamens
diadelphous. Pod many-seeded, variable in form,
always compressed, and falcate or spirally twisted.
Spec. Char. Annual, glabrous. Stipulas deeply
toothed. Pods spirally twisted, consisting of 2
or 3 rather distant turns, flat above and below,
deeply reticulate, with a thin margin, more or less
spinous. Spines subulate, divergent, usually
hooked at the extremity.
Var. a. brevispina. Spines very short, scarcely
hooked, and nearly parallel to the axis.
Syn. Medicago denticulata. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 3. 1414.
M. apiculata. Willd. Sp. PI. v .3 .1414. Ser. in DeCand.
Prod. v. 2. 175.
M. muricata, y. Desr. in Lam. Diet. v. 3. 635.
Medicacochleataminorpolycarpos,&c. Moris. Oxon.
v. 1.144. n. 18, 19. Ic. sect. 2 . 1 .1 5 ./. 13, 14.
Var. (3. vulgaris. Spines about half the diameter of
- the pod, divergent, hooked at the extremity.
Syn. Medicago denticulata. Ser. in DeCand. Prodr.
v. 2. 176. Smith PI. of S. Kent. 43. and 71. t. 1.
ƒ. 4.
M. polycarpa. Willd. Enum. Suppl. 52.
M. ciliaris. Savi Cent. 148. Balb. Cat. 29. Gou.
FI. Monsp. 204. non Willd.
M. echinata. Bouch. Abbev. 56.
M. distans. Poir. Diet. v. 3. 526. Ser. in DeCand.
Prodr. v. 2. 179.
M. flexuosa. Ten. Cat. 1819. 59. Ser. in DeCand.
Prodr. v. 2. 176.
M. polycephala. Hortul. ex Ser.
I n Sir J. E. Smith’s Herbarium, specimens of this plant
are mixed with others of the M. maculata gathered at Cley