JU NG E RMA N N IA Taylori.
Taylor’s Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Common receptacle of the fruit none.
Perianth or calyx monophyllous, tubular (rarely
wanting). Capsule 4-valved, terminating a peduncle
which is longer than the perianth.
S pec. Char. Stems mostly erect, nearly simple.
Leaves, all of them nearly orbicular, dotted, entire.
Stipules broadly ovate. Calyx terminal,
ovate, compressed at the mouth, truncated and
Syn. Jungermannia Taylori. Hook. Brit. Jung,
t. 56. FI. Scot. P. II. 115. Hook, and Taylor,
Muse. Brit. ed. 2. 234.
T h i s very distinct and handsome J ungermannia grows
in densely matted and mostly erect tufts, of a rich purple-
brown colour, and is distinguished, even to the naked eye,
by its succulent foliage and distinctly placed cellules, giving
the whole a dotted appearance. The stems are from two to
four inches long, throwing out many roots from the under
side. The leaves nearly orbicular, bifariously inserted and
spreading or secund. Stipules small, subulate. Calyx terminal,
or, from a prolongation of the extremity of the stem,
lateral, ovate, somewhat inflated, the mouth compressed,
two-lipped and truncate. Fruitstalk short. Capsule