Broad-leaved Chervil.
Gen. Char. Cal. margin obsolete. Petals emargi-
nate and inflected. Fruit somewhat fusiform,
slightly compressed. Carpophore bifid. Achenia
convex, with 5 equal, flattish ribs ; the lateral
ones close to margin of the commisure, which
is furnished with a deep furrow. Vittce solitary.
Partial involucrum of many leaves.
Spec. Char. Leaves bipinnate : leaflets broad, oblong,
acuminate, sharply serrated, hairy underneath.
Styles short, recurved. Stem rough with
bristly hairs.
Syn. Chasrophyllum aromaticum. Linn. Sp. PL 37 1.
Jacq. Aust. t. 150. Matt. Sil. 209. Hoffm.
Germ. 104. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 3. 1654. Don in
Tr. of Wern. Soc. v. 3. 300. Hook. Scot. 94.
Myrrhis aromatica. Spreng. Prodr. 28. Syst.Veg.
v. 1. 902. Smith Engl. FI. v. 2. 52.
Scandix tinctoria. Scop. Cam. v I. 212.
Myrrhis foliis podograrias. Riv. Pent. h r . t. 53.
Cerefolium rugoso angelicas folio, aromaticum.
Bocc. Mus. 29. t. 19.
Angelica sylvestris hirsuta inodora. Bauh. Pin. 156.
D i s c o v e r e d by the late Mr. George Don near
Guthrie, about seven miles east of Forfar, undoubtedly wild.
Root perennial, somewhat fusiform. Stem upright, stiff,
branched, from 2 to 3 feet high, furrowed and angular,
rough with bristly hairs, especially the lower half, which
is marked with numerous dark purple spots; the joints
slightly swollen. Leaves trichotomously bipinnate; the
radical ones on longer footstalks. Leaflets oblong, acumi