LECANORA milvina.
Wide-spread Rock Lecanora.
Gen. Char. Scutellce sessile, with a margin of the
same substance as the thallus.
Spec. Char. Crust tartareous, thin, even, areolate,
gray or brown, with a black filmy substratum.
Scutellae small, nearly flat; margin entire ; disk
dark brown.
Syn. Lecanora milvina k. Ach. Lich. Univ. 358.
Syn. 151.
Parmelia milvina. Ach. Meth. Suppl. 34.
Lichen milvinus. Wahl. FI. Lapp. 410. FI. Suec.
S e n t on gray flinty slate-rock from Ireland, by the late
Miss Hutchins, from what particular situation we are not
informed. Wahlenberg alone appears to have observed it
elsewhere; first in Norwegian Finmark, and subsequently
in other districts of Lapland, chiefly near the sea, and in
some parts of Sweden.
Crust forming very wide flat patches*, composed of small
warts, scattered towards the edges on a black sometimes
dendritic film, and there roundish, entire, or slightly lobed,
but crowded in the central parts into a. compact congeries
of minute, gently convex, angular areolas, the interstices of
which are scarcely visible without a glass : surface unpolished,
smoky gray : in specimens from Wahlenberg it is of
the same hue in some parts, but chiefly of a dark chestnut-
* “ Totus Lichen æquabilis et regularis ut neque scutellæ supereminent,
intégras rupes ex toto fere obducit.”—Wahl. FI. Lapp.