S A L I X Weigeliana.
Weigelian Willow.
DICE CIA Diandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Cal. a scale of an imbricated
catkin, single-flowered. Cor. none. Nect. a
gland or glands at the base of the stamens. Stam.
1—5 (or more). Female, Cal. and Nect. as in
the male. Cor. none. Caps, of 1 cell and 2
valves. Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Leaves elliptical, rhomboidal, or almost
round, with a short point, obsoletely crenate ;
naked on both sides; glaucous beneath. Stipules
small. Catkins on short stalks. Bracteae small.
Calyx-scales oblong, hairy, longer than the hairy
stalk of the germen. Style longer than the stigmas.
Syn. Salix Weigeliana. Willd. Sp. PI. v. 4. 678.
Hook. Brit. FI. 420. (but not of Salict. Woburn.)
S. Wulfeniana. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 4. 176. Rees’s
Cycl. n. 16. Salict. Woburn. 95. t. 48. (excl.
from each the foreign synonyms.)
R e g a r d e d as S. Weigeliana, on the concurrent
authority of specimens from different. German botanists,
agreeing precisely with the fertile ones here figured, confirmed
by the accordance of the description given by
Willdenow. It seems not uncommon in the more mountainous
parts of Britain. Our plants are from Bread-
albane, and we have gathered the species in Yorkshire
and in Westmoreland. The true S. Wulfeniana of Willdenow
we have no reason to believe a British species.
We have seen of it several foreign specimens of both sexes ;
in all of which, and especially in those from the younger
Jacquin, preserved in the Smithian collection, the bracteal