underside and the margins; the lower ones on long footstalks,
5-lobed, with the lobes very obtuse and crenate;
the upper ones gradually smaller and sessile, 5—-3-partite,
with lanceolate, inciso-serrate segments. Stipules ovato-
lanceolate, entire, hispid. Peduncles very hispid, longer
than the leaves or bracteas at their base, single-flowered.
Exterior calyx of 9 spreading, interior of 5 lanceolate, much
acuminated, very hispid leaver, often tinged with purple.
Corolla of 5, obcordate, purple-lilac petals, combined by
their claws ; in drying changing to dull blue. Column of
filaments elongated. Styles several, filiform, hairy, longer
than the stamens. Germens circularly arranged around the
base of the style.
Almost the whole plant, except the corolla, when viewed
under a microscope, is seen to be clothed with minute stellated
pubescence, amongst the spreading: and more rigid
bristles.—W. J. H.