acuminated and subdiaphanous point, the margin perfectly
entire and plane, of delicate and membranaceous texture,
with fine and oblong, closely placed reticulations: the nerve
reaches more than half-way up the leaf, where it disappears.
Fruitstalk erect, about an inch or an inch and a hajf long,
smooth. Capsule oblong, somewhat arched and inclined.
Did conical and acute.
Hypnum polymorphum has been found in Ireland, by
Dr. Taylor; near Edinburgh, by Dr. Greville ; upon the
chalky downs of Sussex, by Mr. Borrer, but always barren.
The specimen in fruit here figured was communicated by
N. J. Winch, Esq., from, we believe, the vicinity of Newcastle;
and the other, by Mr. Borrer.—W. J. H.