JU NG E RMA N N IA laxifolia.
Lax-leaved Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Common receptacle of the fruit none.
Perianth or Calyx monophyllous, tubular (rarely
wanting). Capsule 4-valved, terminating a peduncle
which is longer than the perianth.
Spec. Char. Stem erect, nearly simple, filiform.
Leaves remote, quadrifarious, erecto-patent,
ovate, subcarinate, acutely bifid (those of the pe-
richaetium similar). Fruit terminal. Calyx oblong,
somewhat plaited ; the mouth contracted,
Syn. Jungermannialaxifolia. Hook.Brit.Jung. t. 59.
Hook. 8g Taylor, Muse. Brit. ed. 2.227.
S t e m s growing in small but densely matted erect tufts,
throwing out a few roots from the base, simple or slightly
branched, and principally by innovations, of a delicate and
by no means rigid texture and pale colour. Leaves of a
soft and flaccid nature, pale green, erecto-patent, rather
remote, smaller below, quadrifariously * inserted, ovate,
generally slightly carinated, cleft for about one-third of
their length, by an acute sinus, into 2, equal, rather sharp,
but altogether entire segments : the reticulation is large
and forms oblong cellules. The perichaetial leaves do not
differ from the rest. The calyx is terminal, oblong, at the
* At least apparently so; for it is difficult in such minute plants to trace
their exact insertion : perhaps one row of these leaves may be more properly
considered stipules, and that there are in reality but three rows.