S A L I X incubacea.
Longer-leaved Silvery Willow.
BIO EC I A Biandria.
Gen. Char. Male, Cal. a scale of an imbricated
catkin, single-flowered. Cor. none. Nectary a
gland at the base of the stamina. Stam. 1—5.
Female, Cal. and Nect. as in the male. Cor.
none. Stigmas 2. Caps, of 1 cell and 2 valves.
Seeds tufted.
Spec. Char. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, nearly entire,
acute, with a twisted point; glaucous and silky
beneath. Stipules stalked, ovate, acute. Stem
procumbent; branches erect. Catkins erect,
oblong-cylindrical. Stalk of the silky germen
about as long as the obovate scale.
Syn. Salix incubacea. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2. 1447.
FI. Suec. ed. 2. 351. Sm. Engl. FI. v. 4. 212.
excl. all the other synonyms ?
S h r u b about four feet high. Bark ash-coloured, yellowish
within ; that of the young twigs purplish brown, covered
with appressed silky hairs. Leaves spirally scattered,
about an inch long, on short slender stalks, spreading or
somewhat ascending, usually a little curled; the acute
point, except in the smaller lower leaves, always twisted to
one side; edges scarcely at all recurved, entire, or sparingly
and inconspicuously serrated; upper surface flat, or very
slightly convex, often grass-green and shining, yet with numerous
minute appressed hairs, scarcely wanting even in
old leaves; underside glaucous, and silvery with close
silky hairs; veins slightly prominent beneath, and becoming
so above in drying. Stipules on short stalks,
small, ovate or lanceolate, entire, or toothed with a few