V I C I A angustifolia.
Narrow-leaved Crimson Vetch.
D I AD E L P H I A Decandria.
Gen. Char. Style bearded in front below the stigma.
Stam. nine united, one free.
Spec. Char. Flowers solitary, nearly sessile ; leaflets
linear, lower ones inversely heart-shaped ; stipules
with a pale depression beneath ; seeds orbicular,
smooth. Sm.
Syn. Vicia angustifolia. “ Sibth. 224.” (but, according
to Smith, not of Roth, Willdenow, or Rivinus.)
Engl. FI. v. 3. 282.
V. sativa y. FI. Brit. 770.
V. sylvestris, flore ruberrimo, siliquâ longâ nigrâ.
Ravi Syn. 321.
V. lathyroides. Dicks. Hort. Sicc.fasc. 4. 12.
I t will be satisfactory to the British botanist to know
what is the V. angustifolia of Sir J. E. Smith in English
Flora ; and we have now the pleasure of figuring it upon
the authority of specimens gathered by Mr. Borrer at Hen.
field, Sussex, in a flowering state, in the month of J une
1829. It will be seen that our specimen has the upper
flowers growing in pairs, notwithstanding the remark of
Sir J. E. Smith :—“ The flowers, I believe, are always
solitary: those who describe them otherwise have confounded
this species with variety /3 of V. sativa.”
We have, in the above list of synonyms, confined ourselves
to such as are enumerated by Smith himself; or we should
at least have included the V. sativa y. angustifolia of DeCan-
dolle’s Prodromus, p. 361. and of Duby’s Botanicum Galli