March 1? 1830.
M Y O S O T I S arvensis.
Field, Scorpion-grass.
P EN TA ND R IA Monogynia.
■Gen. Char. Cor. salver-shaped, with 5 obtuse lobes,
throat furnished with short valves. Stam. included.
Fruit of 4 one-seeded lobes fixed in the
bottom of the calyx.
S pec. Char. Fruit smooth. Calyx with spreading
uncinate bristles,half 5-cleft ; when in fruit ovate,
closed, shorter than the divergent pedicel. Limb
of the corolla concave, as long as the tube.
S yn. Myosotis arvensis. Hoffm. Germ. FI. 60.
Lehm. Asperif. 90. Fries Nov. Suec. ed. 2. 65.
Hook. Brit. FI. 85. Host Fl.Austr. v. 1. 227.
M. intermedia. Link. Enum. v. 1. 164. Reichenb.
in Sturm FI. Deut. with a figure. Mert. Sg
Koch Deut. FI. v. 2 .4 6 .
M. scorpioides a. arvensis. Linn. Sp. PI. ed. 2.
188. FI. Suec. ed. 2. 56. Sm. FI. Brit. 212.
M. annua a. DeCand. FI. Fr. ed. 3. v. 3. 629.
M. scorpioides hirsuta. Rail Syn. 229.
M. scorpioides arvensis hirsuta. Ger. Em. 337. f . 4.
Scorpiurus. n. 590. Hall. Hist. v. 1. 261. (excl.
(i.Jl. minimo.)
S. annuus arvensis hirsutus cæruleus. Moris, v. 3.
450. s. 11. t. 31. ƒ. 1.
A VERY common plant in cultivated ground, on hedge
banks and in groves, flowering throughout the summer,
varying much in luxuriance, and in height from 6 to 12
inches or somewhat more.
Root fibrous, annual, Stems usually several, erect from