Account of the constitution of Nerike—Iron Mine of HesselkuUa—other Mines
—Uncommon Frost—Tobacco—Potatoes—Malefactors hung in chains—Swedish
Camp—Stopped by a Custom-house Officer—-Description of Örebro—The Diet
—House of Nobles—Clergy—Peasants—Burghers—Anomaly in the Swedish
Constitution—Strange Laws enacted by the Peasants—Manufactures—Rocks
between Örebro and Arboga— Arboga— Koping—Anecdotes of Scheele—|
Vesteros—Cathedral—Monuments—Fate of King Eric XIV.—Country between
Vesteros and Stockholm—State of Agriculture in Sweden....................................
Situation of Stockholm—Description of the City—Statue of Gustavus Adolphus—
Opera-house—Theatre—Northern Suburb—Maps of Stockholm—View from
the Observatory—Number of Inhabitants—Trades—The Palace—Statue of
Gustavus I I I .—Obelisk—Statue of Gustavus Vasa •— Mint — Exchange —
Churches—Religion—The Arsenal—Academy of Sciences— Collection of
Minerals belonging to the College of Mines—Collection of Mr* Svedenstiema—
Swedish Academy—Scottish, and English Dialects compared—Account of the
Swedish Language—Houses in Stockholm—Account of the Société and the
Selskap............................................. •.................. *.....................................................
Erroneous Opinion of Gustavus entertained in Britain—His true Character—His
Supérstitiôn—Military Ignorance—Quarrel with Prussia—His War with
France—Conduct in Pomerania—Supposed Treaty for the Partition of Sweden
Russians invade Finland—Arrest of the Russian Ambassador—War with
Denmark—Invasion of Norway—Arrival and Treatment of the British Auxiliaries—
Projected Invasion of Zealand—Conquest of Finland by the Russians—
Quarrel with Great Britain—Projected Invasion of Sweden.............. . . . . .
Necessity of a Revolution—Unpopularity of the King—Conspiracy in the Army—
Conspirators in Stockholm—March of the Western Army—King alarmed—
Determines to retire to Nykoping—King seized by Baron Adlercreutz—King
makes his escape—Again seized by the Conspirators—Peace concluded—Abdication
of Gustavus IV.—Duke of Sudermania made King—Prince Augustenburg,
Crown Prince—King leaves Sweden—New Constitution—Death of Prince Augustenburg—
Election of Bemadotte—His Character and Views—Swedish Army 131
Travel to Upsala—Geological Account of Upland—Road between Stockholm and
Upsala—Description of Upsala—Palace—Cathedral—Tomb of Gustavus Vasa
—rOf John I II .—Of Catharine Jaghellon—Of the Three Stures—Curiosities
in the Sacristy—Mr. Torner—University—List of Professors and other Teachers
—Progress of the Swedes in Botany, Mineralogy, and Chemistry . , . . ........... 150
The Library—First Book printed in Sweden—Codex Argenteus—Queen
Christina’s Cabinet—Botanic Garden of Linnaeus—New Botanic Garden—
Museum of Natural History—Mineral Collection of the Chemical Professors—
Mr. Ekeberg—Professor AJzelius—Hyacinth of Bergman—Laboratory—The
Afeelii—Royal Society of U p s a la ................ 174
Iron Mines in Upland—Russian Soldier—Mr. P. Tamm—Description of Dan-
nemora Mine—Ore—Method of smelting—Superiority of Dannemora Iron—
Gbkum-Gahnite—Ytterby—Gadolinite—List of the Iron Mines in Upland . . . . 185
Soldiers’ Houses—Swedish Sirnames—Rout to Sala—Detained for ¡Horses—Rout
to Fahlun—Singular Bridges—River Dal—Character of the Dalecarlians—
Description of the Province—Account of the Swedish Hills—Nature of the
Porphyry Tract at Elfdal—Hisinger’s Classification of Rocks—His Account of
the Structure of Dalecarlia—Inferences ............ 197