occurs calcareous spar and six-sided pyramidal crystals o f the same
mineral. There occur also in the same mine specimens o f apophyllite,
or ichthyophthalmite. They are o f a white colour, and sometimes
have a slight shade o f red. They occur massive, but qf a foliated structure,
and easily divide into plates. Translucent. Specific gravity 2-417.
According to Rinman, who analysed this mineral in the year 1784,
under the name o f zeolite, its constituents are as follows :
Silica.............................. . . . . . 55
Time, with some magnesia 27-5
Alumina 2 "5
Oxide o f iro n ................................. 0-3
Carbonic acid and water................ 1 7 ,
There occur likewise garnets, tremolite, malacolite, and the mineral
to which Andrada gave the name o f coccolite;. but which Hatty has
united with augite. The coccolite o f this mine, according to the analysis
o f Vauquelin, is composed o f the following constituents:
Silica .......... 50
Lime ......... ..................... ...... . . . 24
Magnesia. ............................. 10
Alum in a .......................................... 1-5
Oxide of i r o n ............. ................... 7
Oxide of manganese .................... 3
Loss. ......................... 4-5
1 oo-o
Its colour is usually yellowish green,- but it occurs likewise grass
At Otved south-east from Linköping, and a little to the east of a
string of small lakes, there occurs a copper mine, which first began to
be wrought in 1 4 13 , during the reign of Eric of Pomerania, who
granted the privileges which it at present possesses. After being long
neglected it began again to be wrought in the year 1745. It occurs in
gneiss rocks, and the ore is chiefly copper pyrites. Magnetic iron ore
occurs likewise in the same tract. Arsenic pyrites containing cobalt is
said likewise to be found occasionally in the same place. Fluor spar
crystallized in cubes is found likewise in this mine, a circumstance
which deserves to be mentioned, because it is so rare an occurrence in
In the lime-quarry of Barkhult, in the parish o f Yxnerum, there occurs
a mineral, first noticed by Hisinger, and which appears to constitute
a peculiar species not hitherto known to mineralogists. Its
colour is violet blue; it occurs massive; its fracture is uneven; its lustre
vitreous, and it varies in intensity. Translucent on the edges. Hard;
scratches glass, and strikes fire with steel. Specific gravity 2-8. Before
the blow-pipe it froths and melts into a white semi-transparent
glass. Its constituents, according to the analysis o f Hisinger, are as
S ilic a ................................................. 46-4
Alumina .................................29-0
Lime ...................................... 17 •$)
Oxide of iron . . . ........... ...........Q"7
Volatile matter ............. .. 3 2
Loss ............. .. 2-8
Such are the principal mines o f East Gothland. They are much
fewer in number than in some of the Swedish provinces farther to the