to Hisinger, dip east at an angle of 45 degrees. There are some mines
in this,province; I shall mention the principal. The mine of Rolfsby
in the parish of Tosso contains sparry iron ore. It was abandoned
in 1778 in consequence of a failure of the ore. Sulphate o f barytes is
found in this mine, which deserves to be noticed on account o f the
scarcity o f that mineral in Sweden It is very impure. The follow-,
ing are the results of the analysis of two varieties o f it by Professor
Afzelius. The first variety is without any regular crystalline shape, is
semi-transparent, and its specific gravity is 4 -5 18 . Its constituents are
Sulphate of barytes.................. 63
Sulphate of lim e ................. 2
Silica ...................................... 19
Alumina and i r o n .................... 9
W a t e r ................... 2
L o s s .................................... 5
The other variety is mixed with iron ore and fluor spar, and is ot a
blackish colour. Its specific gravity is 4-399. - Its constituents were
found to be
Sulphate of barytes.................. 59
Sulphate of lime........................ 7
S ilic a .............................. 20
Alumina and i r o n .................... 1 1
Water.......................................... 3
The mine o f Noto, in the parish o f Tidje. It contains sparry iron
ore, and likewise fahlore: I do not know whether it be wrought either
as an iron or copper mine.
The mines of Forhoppning and Knolle, in the parish o f Ominskog.
They are situated in a quartz rock, which appears to constitute a bed
in mica slate, the rock of which the parish is chiefly composed. These
are copper mines, and eontain the following minerals: calcareous spar;
brown spar; fluor spar, both massive and crystallized; variegated
copper ore; fahlore, with silver, copper pyrites, and antimony; according
to Cronstedt it yields 24 per cent, o f copper, and 26 lod o f
silver; native silver in quartz; a combustible substance like coal, containing
silver and copper, and smelling o f sulphur in the fire.
Hvassvik mine, in the same parish, contains both copper and lead.
The minerals found in it are calcareous spar, steel-grained galena,
containing forty lod of silver in the hundred weight; native silver in
quartz; copper pyrites crystallized in tetrahedrons.
Vingnas mine, in the same parish, yields sparry iron ore. It contains,
likewise, fahlore, copper pyrites, and variegated copper ore.
An impure sulphate of barytes is found in it; which, according to
the analysis of Professor Afzelius, is composed o f the following constituents
Sulphate o f barytes......................... 71
Sulphate o f lim e 11
Silica..................................... 13-5
Alumina and iron............................. 0-5
W a te r ............................. 1 ............... 4
The specific gravity o f this mineral is 4-391. Its colours are reddish
and white. It occurs granular and sparriform.
Askarr mine, in the same parish, yields galena and copper pyrites.
In the same parish there is a lime quarry. The lime is primitive,
white, with rose-red streaks and bands in it.
Klapperud iron mine is situated in the hill called Klof, in the
parish o f Froskog. The ore found in this mine is poor, and mixed
with manganese. The cast iron obtained from it contains manganese,
and is easily converted into excellent cast steel; but does not yield
good iron. There is a kind o f ore o f manganese in this mine, which
was analysed by Klaproth. It is black, massive, and has considerable
lustre. Its constituents are as follows: