Kärringbricka hill, 241.
Kattegat, 385.
Kenned}', Mr.', 18.
Kernsberg mine, 380.
Kinneculle, height of, 43—Description of,
Kisa of the Laplanders, 340.
Klappernd mine, 371.
Knolle mine, 370.
Köping, meaning of the word, 42—-Town
so called, 76. .
Kopparberg, new, 245.
Krokos mine, 377.
Lakes of Sweden, 393.
Lampert, Dr., 17.
Land, arable, in Sweden, 427.
Lapland, account of, 311—Climate of, 312
—Woody, 313—Subwoody, ib.—Subalpine,
ib.——Alpine, ib.-—Temperature
of, 318—Temperature of the earth in,
325—Number of inhabitants in, 338.
Laplanders, customs ofj 339—Dress of,
344 Food of, 343 Treatment of
strangers by, 350.
Laurentius Petri, first Protestant Archbishop
of Upsala, 156.
Laws respecting posting, in Sweden, 74.
Lepidolitej 264.
Lidkbping, -38.
Lilia Oby, 250.
Limestone of Kinnekulle, 49.
■ magnesia», character ofj 233.
Lindbom mine, 380.
Linköping, description of, 271»
Linnaeus’ dismal journey in Lapland, 364—
monument of, 172.
Longbanshytte mine, 380.
Lorent, Mr., 16.
Lugnos, description of, 51»
Malefactors hung in chains, 66.
Manganese, red ore of, 379.
Manufactures of Sweden, 430.
Maps of Stockholm, 92.
Margaret, Queen of Scandinavia, 413.
Mariestadt, 40.
Maritime Lapland, temperature of, 322.
Marriages of the Laplanders, 351.
Mastuget, 6.
Medical men at Gottenburg, 18.
Medvi, waters ofj 277.
Metals found in Sweden, 430.
Milk, how used by the Laplanders, 341.
Mineral at Ädelfors, 301—At Nordmark,
375—At Tunaberg, 255.
Minerals in the College of Mines, Stockholm,
105---At Upsala, 181.
Mineralogy of Lapland, 336—Progress ofj
in Sweden, 173.
Mint at Stockholm, 98.
Money, Swedish, 14.
Mora Stenar, 152. i
Moore, Sir John, treatment of, in Sweden,)
Motala river,'269-!—Valley ofj- 270.
Mountains of Lapland, height of, 314.
----------—,-i Swedish, account of, 397—
Height of, 317.
Music of the Laplanders, 346—Swedish,
Natrolite, Swedish, 62.
Nerike, description of, .61.
New Elfsborg, 6.
Nobles, Swedish, account of, 69.
Nordmark mine, 375.
Norkbpiiig, account of,- 268.
Norrland, account of,:368. .
North Cape, temperature of, 323;
Norwegian vessel detained, 4.
Notes, Swedish, 14.
Noto mine, 370.
Ny Garden, 38.
Nyhyttan mine, 375.
Ochroita, 243. ' |
Oland, island of, 307,
Olof Essen, conduct ofj 31.
Onez glass-house, 39.
Opera-house at Stockholm, 91.
Ore of Fahlunj how smelted, 221.
Örebro, description of, 68—Manufactures
ofj 75.
Osarne mine, 380.
Osterby, 186.
Ostra mangs mine, 381..
P .
Palace at Stockholm, 96—At Upsala, 153.
Passports, 247.
Peasantry, Swedish, 29. .. S
Peasants, Swedish, account ofj 71..,
Pehrsberg, 374.
Petersburg, climate, at, ; 405* ,
Petrefaction from China, 105. y
Philipstad,. 373....
Piper, Count, house-, of, 270.
Plants growing at different heights in
Lapland, 330—Number of species in
Lapland, 335.. : ■ ?
Porphyry at .Grenna, 280—At Elfdal, 205,
Porter,r 16. j
Potatoes, not much used in Sweden, 6|5.
Provinces, Swedish, 21—Size.of, 391.
Pt; irmagans, how caught in Lapland, 363.
Pyrophysalite, description, of, >227..
Rain in Sweden, 407.
Rein-deer, account of, 355.
Remedies of the Laplanders, 349.
Remsberg mine, 380.
Retzius, anecdote of, 77.
Revolution, Swedish, account of, 133.
Ridderhyttan mine, account: of, 241.
Rivers in Sweden, 395.
Roads, Swedish, 26.
Rocks, how classified by Hisinger, 208.
Rolfsby mine,. 370.
Royal Society of Upsala, 184.
Rudbeck, 171.
Russian soldier, anecdote of, 187.
Ruthile, variety of, 24 K
Rye, cultivated in. Sweden, 84.
Sacristy at Upsala, curiosities in, 156. -
Sailors, British, mob of, 247.
Sala, 'town of, description of, 233—Structure
of. the country' round, ib.—Mine,
account of, 235—Minerals found- in,
.237—River j. 157. •
Salite, description of, 238..
Sanna, mine of, 63. ...
Scaggerakj 385. \
Scapolite, 265...
Scheele, anecdotes ofj' 76*
Schultz, Dr;, 18.
Sconia, geognostic, constitution of, 306-;
Scotch Highlanders, generosity ofj 33...
Scottish dialect, account of, 107.
Sea, colour ofj 3—Temperature of, 4.
Selscap, account of, 112.
Sheep, number of in. Sweden, 429... -
Silver, native, found, 372.
Sinclair,'; Mr., 18.
Sirnames,; Swedish,, 198...