Opake. Scratches glass. Specific gravity 2*6433. Its constituents,
according to the analysis of Berzelius, are as follows:
Silica ............................... 6l *50
Alum in a ....................................... .. 25*75
L im e ............................................. 3*oo
Magnesia....................... 0*75
Oxide of Manganese...................... 1*50
Oxide of iron ................................. 1*50
Volatile matter .......... ........... .. S*oo
L o s s ................................................. 1 *oo
In the iron mine o f Gillinge in the same parish, there occurs an ore
of iron which appears still undescribed.
Its colour on the outside is black; but when fresh broken the colour
of the inside is somewhat lighter. It occurs massive; but consists of
plates parallel to each other, .the surface o f which have considerable
lustre. Sometimes thin layers o f calcareous spar occur between these
plates. Fracture earthy. Fragments flat and sharp edged. Soft and
sectile. Easily scratched by iron. Streak and powder greyish green.
Surface feels smooth. Specific gravity 3*045. When acted on by the
blow-pipe it becomes magnetic. With borax it melts into a yellowish'
green glass. Its constituents, according to the analysis o£J3fsinger,
are as follows:
Oxide of iron ............................. 51*50
Silica................................................. 27*50
Alum in a 5*5 o
Oxide o f manganese........................ o*77
Magnesia............................................ a trace
Volatile matter............... 11.75
L o s s . . . . . .......................................... 2.Q8
I was informed that there is a marble quarry situated upon the north
side of the bay of Bronick; but had no opportunity of seeing it, as
we could find no road that led along the north side o f the b a y ; but
were obliged, in consequence, to return back to the great road which
we had quitted at Nykoping.