Cabinet of Queen Christina, 178.
Calender of the Laplanders, 354.
Camp near Örebro, 66.
Canals, Swedish, 35.
Carl, Knuteson, 414.
Carlstad, 373.
Carriage, 19.
------------- wheel broken, 30.
Cathedral at Upsala, 153—At Vesteros,
Cattle in Sweden, 87, 429.
Cement, Lapland, 361.
Cerite, description of, 243.
Charles XII., 415.
Charles XIII. made King, 140.
Christian II., 414. ■
Churches in Stockholm, 99.
Citizens, Swedish, account ofj 72.
Civilization of mankind, 257.
Clara river, 373.
Clergy, Swedish, account of, 70.
— of Lapland, 35ft.
Climate of Lapland, 328.
I Sweden, 404.
Coal mine at Hoganas, 304.
Cobalt ore from Nerike, 64.
------------- at Tunabergj 254.
Coccolite, 282-
Codex argenteus, history of, 196.
Coffee, Swedish, 13.
Constitution of Sweden, account of, 141.
Coppermine at Fahlun, 217.
Copperas, manufacture ofj 219.
Com of Sweden, 409.
Cronberg castle, 303»
Custom-house-officers at Örebro, 67*
Dahlsland, account of, 369..
Dal, river, 200.
Dalecarlia, description of, 203—Structure
of, 209.
Dalecarlians, character of, 201.
Dannemora mine, account of, 188.
Dicksons, Messrs., 18.
Diet, Swedish, account of, 69.
Dinners, Swedish, 12.
Diseases of the Laplanders, 347.
Dubb, Dr., 18.
Dundas, Mr., estate of, 81.
Dyeing in Lapland, 361.
Dylta, sulphur work at, 63.
East India Company, Swedish, 435.
Eckman, Dr., 18.
Ekeberg, Mr., 181.
Elfdal porphyry track described, 205.
Elsineur, 303.
English tavern, 82.
Enkoping, 81.
Enontekis, temperature at, 320.
Eric XIV., anecdotes of, 79—Monument
of, il.
Eric of Pomerania, 414.
Everinus, first Bishop of Upsala, 153.
Exchange at Stockholm, 99.
Fagerberg mine, 380.
Fahlun, description of, 216—Copper mine
of, 217—Minerals found at, 225—Mineral
cabinet at, 224—Rocks round, 220.
Fahlunite, description of, 227.
Falco Umbrinus, description of, 59.
Farms in Sweden, size of, 427.
Fersen, Count, murdered, 144.
Felspar, green, at Tunaberg, 255.
Finland, conquest of, by the Russians, 122.
Fisher, Mr., 18.
Fitje, 248.
Flail, Swedish, 87.
Fogs, low, accounted for, 260.
Förhopning mine, 370.
Formations in Sweden, 399.
Forrs, 34.
Fruits in Sweden, 408.
Gadolinite, 194, 228.
Gahn, Assessor J . G., 222.
Gahnite, description of, 192.
Geognosy of Sweden, 399.
Geteberg mine, 380.
Glasshouse, 39.
Gneiss of West Gothland, 44.
— — , names given to in Sweden, 151.
Gokum, account of, 192.
Gotha river, 10, 24.
Gothland, animals in, 54.
-----------, East, mineralogy of, 278 *—
Floetz track in, 279.
, island ofj 307.
Gottenburg, distance of, from Leith, 3.—
description of, 8.
Grass sown in Sweden, 85.
Granite, veins of, 252, 270.
Greenstone of Hunneberg, 47.
Grenha, porphyry at, 286.
Gustavus Adolphus, statue ofj 90.
Gustavus IV. Adolphus, account ofj 118,
415—Unpopularity, 132 Dethroned,
135—Abdicates the throne, 139.
Gustavus III. statue of, 97.
Gustavus Vasa, 414—Statue of, 98—Monument
of, 154.
Hafsos Hill, 372.
Halleberg, account of, 45.
Ha’lleflinta, what, 189.
Handvid iron mine, 264.-
Helsingburg, description of, 302.
Herring-fishery, 18.
Hesselkulla, mine ofj 62.
Hjelm, Mr., 98.
Hills, Swedish, account of, 204.
Hisinger’s classification of rocks, 208.
Hofva, 40.
Hoganas, coal mine at, 304.
Hokeberg mine, 377.
Hollenkar, 24.
Honsater alum work, 39.
Hornkullen mine, 380.
Horses, number of, in Sweden, 429.
Hotel in Gottenburg, charges at, 19.
Houses, Swedish, 11—In Stockholm, 110.
Hunneberg, height of, 43—Structure of,
Hvassvik mine, 371.
Hyacinths of Bergman, 182.
Jamtland, account of, 369.
Janet smack, 2.-
Jarta, Mr., 224.
Ichthyophthaimite, 263.
Inclosures, Swedish, 26.
Inns, want of, in Sweden, 7.
John III. monument of, 155.
Ionkoping, description ofj 284.
Iron mines in Sweden, 403—In Nerike, 62.
Iron produced in Sweden, 403, 431—Of
Dannemora, 191 Used for roofing
houses, 216.
Iron ore of Dannemora, method of smelting,
Iron ore, new, 266.
Juniperberry bushes, 27.
Kalmar, treaty of, 414..
Karra, 34.