The analysis o f Fourcroy and Vauquelin does not differ much from
the preceding. It is as follows:
Silica ................................................ 51
Lime .................................................. 28
Potash .................... 4
Water......................................... 17
9. Greenish and reddish brown iron flint.
10. Bluish quartz.
11. Prisms of arsenic alloyed with iron in quartz.
12. Galena in quartz, and mixed with the iron ore.
13 . Native silver in grey copper ore and iron ore.
14. Lepidolite. This mineral occurs in the iron mine of Uto, sometimes
o f a greyish, and sometimes o f a light violet colour. Its constituents,
according to the analysis of Hisinger, are as follows:
Silica.................................................. 61*60
Alumina .......................... 20*61
L ime .................. '................ l'6o
Oxide o f manganese ............ 0*50
Oxide of iron, a trace
Potash ......................................... 9' l 6
Volatile matter ........... 1*86
Loss ........... 4-67
Lepidolite is remarkable as being the first mineral in which potash
was found as a constituent.
In the parish o f Oker, a little to the west o f the palace o f Grips-
holm, which lies in a small island in the Malar, there is an iron mine
called Handvid, the ore of which, from the specimens that I saw,
for I did not visit the mine, consists o f magnetic iron stone. It is
said to consist of a vein situated in sienitic granite; but in all probability,
had I been on the spot, I should have found it to consist of
gneiss, like all the rest o f the country. Near this mine there occurs a
granular limestone, which was employed in smelting the ironstone.
But the workmen found that it did not answer the purpose, and that
the more of the lime they employed in their process the more refractory
did the iron become. Surprised at this circumstance, specimens
of the limestone were sent to Mr. Svedenstierna, who soon found out
the reason. It is thick scattered with octahedral crystals of spinell,
possessing the usual properties o f that mineral. The colour of the
spinell is usually greyish blue; generally in regular octahedrons, though
sometimes in small grains. Lustre splendent. Translucent. Readily
scratches quartz. Specific gravity from 3*482 to 3 *6842. Not altered
before the blow-pipe. According to the analysis o f Berzelius the constituents
o f this mineral are as follows:
Alumina ........... 72 25
Silica............. 5*48
Magnesia, with a little manganese 14*63
Oxide o f iro n .................................. 4*26
Matter not examined...................... 1*83
L o s s .................................................. 1*55
In the parish o f Svarta, a little to the north o f Nykoping, there is
an iron mine called Sjosa, consisting o f magnetic ironstone in a gneiss
rock. This mine is remarkable for containing the mineral . called sca-
polite, (parenthine o f Haiiy) originally discovered in the mine of
Arendhal in Norway. The scapolite of Sjosa mine is o f a reddish
brown colour, and occurs in red-coloured calcareous spar. It is usually
crystallized in the following shapes.
1 . A four-sided rectangular prism. Sometimes two or three o f the
longitudinal edges o f the prism are truncated.
2. Six-sided compressed prism with two opposite broad faces.
3 . Six-sided prism with two terminating broad faces.
4. Cylinders with numerous unequal channelled faces.
2 M