Explanation o f the References in plate 10, exhibiting a perpendicular Section
of the Copper Mine at Fahlun.
A Opening of the great mine. r The Mountain Lily.
B Mons Nils opening. s The Substitute.
C Declivity. t The Fiscal gallery.
D Charles Gustavus’ pit. u The Flaggon.
E Frederick’s gallery. w The chain sink.
F King Charles’s pit. v The Forge.
G The part of the great mine that tumbled x The Hawk pit.
down. y Ingel John’s house. ..
H Bjonhol’s shaft. z \ Wennerstedt.
I Tila’s gallery. a Powder gallery.
K The Princess. a The Beaver,
L Crown Prince Gustavus’ way. b Troili pit.
M Prince Charles. a Spence gallery.
N New air pit. b The Commander.
Q Charles’s gallery. c The Commander’s pit.
P Flott pit. d Gladje gallery.
Q Myrbad gallery. e Count Jacob-
R Flott. / The Wife,
S The Frigate,- g The Count.
T The Princess; forsaken. h The Baronness.
U Prince Frederick Adolphus. i Louisa Ulrica’s mine.
V Hedvik Eliss. Charlotte. k Queen Louisa Ulrica’s shaft.
W Mars. 1 The Crown gallery.
X Prince Gustavus. m hiomage gallery.
Y Crown Prince. n Rubin’s terrace.
Z Cross gallery mouth. o West Kingdom’s globe.
A Cross gallery. p Santal gallery, ,
A Fred’s gallery. q West Inden’s gallery.
O Frid’s gallery; forsaken. r The Poplar,
a Louisa Charlotte. s The Guitar.
b Gustavus Adolphus.. t North Pit gallery.
c. The Victory. u The Crown Prinpe. .
d The Matron. w The Greyling.
e The Repose. . v The Bishop.
f Lionmark. sc The Glass.
g Storgarnet. y The Consistorium.
h Storcrown. x The Miner’s Hope.
i Where. a The Brazen Serpent.
Jt Terra Noya. a Forlag’s gallery.,
1 General Adjutant. o Charles Jacob.
m Great Marshall. 1 Prince Gustav’s vein mouth.
n Count Bjelke. ■ 2 The Representative.
o The Mackarel. 3 The North.
p The Eel. 4 The Water-course.
q The Dolphin.