is posting, which is carried on in Sweden to a great extent, and must
bring in a considerable sum to all the peasants. The whole quantity
of grain sown in Sweden amounts to little more than 57,028 Winchester
bushels, or 7,128 quarters. The quantity obtained from this is
about five times as great, or the return is about five to one.
6. But the most extraordinary circumstance which we learn from the
table is, that the annual quantity of corn raised in Sweden amounts
only to about one-fifth of a bushel for each individual, andt his miserable
pittance is the produce of an English acre and a quarter. I presume
it would be difficult for any person in this country to form a conception
of such a poor return. Nor would it be accurate to say that
Sweden yields only the fifth o f a bushel from the I f acre. The fact
is, that as they are unable to manure their lands, they are obliged to
allow a great proportion of them to lie fallow. So that the quantity
o f land really under tillage is greatly below what is stated in the table.
This, however, comes to the same thing with respect to the ultimate
effect. So that in reality the cultivated lands o f Sweden yield only the
sixth part of a bushel per acre. W e are surely considerably within
bounds when we say, that a very moderate degree o f skill would enable
them to increase- their produce 30 fold, and thus render them an
exporting instead o f an importing nation. For it is obvious that such
a miserable pittance as the fifth part of a bushel can never be sufficient
for an individual, how small soever the quantity of bread should be
which he consumes in a year.
Let us now see the quantity o f horses, black cattle, and sheep,
which exist in Sweden, and how they are distributed over the country;
These are obviously the grand instruments of agriculture, without
which no real progress can be made. The following table will furnish
us with very accurate ideas upon this important head.
Animale i the towns. Ditto in the whole country. l«8 "
Per farm.
$ Oxen. Cows. Sheep. Horses. Oxen. Cows. : : s Sheep.
each pair c
draught aniin
u I
Norrbotten.......... 67 10 680 ’ :60 4000 700 I94OO 3954 26300 4*2 6 45 4.9
Vesterbotten........ .56 20 200 20 5500 990 25500 6246 347OO 4*2 7 40 49
Vesternorrland . . . 52 2 513 150 15000 1138 392OO 8300 48500 . 1*5 836 30
Jamtland............. 20 16 8250 6193 22461 5086 32050 1*5 7 36 34
Norrland. . . . . .
City of Stockholm
32 1413
32750 13221 IO656I 23586 141550 2-8 7 39 40
34 19715 14653 35520 11011 49563 4*4 4 14 12
I ' psala.................. 448 15 643 245 21857 17768 28221 13996 4985 ; 2*0 6 1614
Vesteros............. 46*8 49 1576 704 14374 8I62 28094 14952 31182 33 5 17 10
Nykoping . . . . . 318 32 818 665 14688 13763 27687 16469 45014 2*7 17 13
orebro................. 243 38 490 290 10229 IOO90 33804 13980 39546 3-7 20 14
Carlstad . . . . . . . 190 20 630 74 13391 3712 45557 19692 74996 10*2 7 40 43
Stora Kopparberg 212 23 .94.9 413 12585 865 41171 16859 54872 6 l 7 32 30
Gefleborg............ 20 7 8 IO68 350 11830 832 45893 12550 44484 3-4 5 28 21
S veal and.......... 3252 219 8I623786 118669 59845 285947 118509 389509 4*2 5 21 19
Linköping....... 412 246 8 66 310 29991 15723 47268 19453 68909 3*0 5 15 12
Kalmare............. 171 60 371 223 22463 22459 48793 27945 84620 2-2 28 15
Ionkoping........... 210 6'2 414 149 12583 18606’ 45413 31473 35916 3-0 324 Kronoberg.......... 9 36 10 150 12 8773 14672 33370 28342 48991 3-6: 3 27 17
Blekinge............. 175 8 150 8085 6704 17705 12599 21550 3-3, 7 34 19
Skaraborg *.......... 404 140 .926 510 25428 25808 44369 328S9 69567 4*1 5 21 14
Elfsborg.............. 243 24 758 134 19746 15157 54409 29474 75330 5-0 4 23 17 Goteborg......... .. 265 16 761 58 17818 1968 32582 15717 59463 4*3 ‘ 6 17 19
Halmstad............. 328 82 727 427 13902 4084 28245 19039 52655 4-9 4 17 18
Christianstad . . . . 220 14 443 123 32055 12894 .30471 30222 60794 3*1 10 >6 ?,0
Malmbhus............ 1123 146 1354 895 49338 2228Ö 32505 28350 78595 3*3 15 20 19 Gottland .............. 210 27 430 160 12146 791 12076 9022 30803 3-0 10 20 30
Gbtaland.......... 3797: 835 7350 3001 252328:161156 422208 284525 682693 3*5 '623 17
Sweden............ 7224 1086 I69257033 403747 234222 3148l6|426710 1212752 3*5 6125 20
From the preceding table it appears that the whole number o f horses,
cattle, and sheep in Sweden, are as follows: -
Horses ......................... 403,747
Cattle ................ 1 ,475,748
Sheep............................... 1,212,752
This number must be admitted to be extremely small and quite inadequate
to the purposes of agriculture.' However, i f we compare
the size o f the farms with the number o f cattle belonging to each, we