most limestone, so.that the alum-slate which occurs in Oand, and in
almost all the floetz districts o f Sweden, is. wanting in this island.
The structure of Gothland is represented in plate XIII. figure 11.
While I was at Helsingborg, the news.of the entrance of the French
into Moscow, and the burning o f that city by the Russians, arrived.
This intelligence seemed to have produced an effect upon the Swedish
government; but to what their measures tended it was difficult to
conceive. An order arrived to examine the passports o f all. foreigners,
and to seize those who were not properly provided with such papers.
I was accordingly obliged to produce mine for the first time since I had
left Stockholm. It was stated also at Helsingborg, that an order had
been issued for all Frenchmen to leave Sweden; but I can hardly
believe that any such order was issued, at least publickly; first, because
there were very few Frenchmen in Sweden, and secondly, because
the Crown Prince had shown, by his previous conduct, that he did not
mean to risk a rupture with Bonaparte, while the fate o f Russia
remained doubtful. The Danes were obviously alarmed at the preparations
of Sweden; for though the threatened expedition was laid
aside, they had stopped the passage o f the Sound, and would not
permit any person from Sweden.to go to Copenhagen. They permitted
them, indeed, to land at Elsineur; but they were not at liberty
to leave that city, and go farther into Zealand; and after staying a
certain time there, they were obliged to return again to Sweden.
On Sunday, the 1 lth o f October, I left Helsingborg for Gotten-
burg, about 11 o clock. The weather, for several days, had been
cloudy and dull, but warm. I was afraid of rain. Luckily, how;-
ever, it continued fair till I reached Gottenburg; but the next day a
heavy rain fell for several hours, and the rainy weather continued,
with little intermission, all the time I remained in that city. The
road from Helsingborg to Gottenburg lies along the coast, though
seldom within view of the sea; and constitutes one of the barest and
worst cultivated tracks o f all South Sweden. My stages were as