Thefe are many other mines in the neighbourhood of Philipstad.
The following are the principal of these:
Ivindbom, containing magnetic ironstone and malachite.
Malmon, an iron mine.
Kernsberg, an iron ore mixed with garnets.
. Geteberg, called a silver mine, but consisting, in fact, o f galena
mixed with blende and iron ore.
Stjernberg was wrought in the 16th century as a copper mine. The
ore is copper pyrites.
Remsberg, an iron mine.
Osarne, likewise called a silver mine, but consisting o f galena,,
which yields 60 per cent, o f lead, and 34 lod o f silver per hundred
weight of ore. It began to be wrought in 1781.
Torrakeberg. consists o f a mixture of serpentine and granular lime-
‘stone, and contains a vein of magnetic ironstone. The vein-stones
are hornstone, limestone, and serpentine. Garnets, and arsenical
pyrites, occur likewise in this mine.
Fagerberg contains an iron mine. There occurs in it a garnet rock,
which separates into quadrangular fragments, is attracted by the
magnet, and contains 18 or 19 per cent, of iron.
Thyn. In this mine there occurs, a dark red mineral, called on the
spot rodberg, composed of waving plates, much twisted and marbled.
It contains 14 per cent. of iron.
Such are the various- mines in the neighbourhood of Philipstad.
They constitute the most important, and, indeed, almost the only
ones in the province of Vermeland. There are, however, a few others
which it may be worth while to mention.
Hornkullen, in the parish of Kroppa, is a silver mine which was
wrought to a considerable extent during the reign of Charles IX. ' It
consists of galena mixed with blende, and contains iron pyrites.
There are three or four iron mines in the same parish; but which
do not seem entitled to a particular description. The ore in all of
them, as far as I could learn, is magnetic ironstone.
In the parish of Carlskoga there occur four iron mines, called
Mangshojden Kjerne, Dufvedals, and Utterbach. I do not know
what species o f iron ore they contain, but probably it is magnetic
In the same parish there is a mine, formerly wrought for the silver
which it contained. The ore is galena, mixed with blende o f a yellowish
green colour, and possessing the property o f phosphorescing.
Not far from this mine there is a kind o f jasper which occurs.
Iron sand is found upon the borders of the lake Margen, in considerable
Graphite is found at Gumhojden, in the parish o f Roda.
The mine o f Ostra Mangs is remarkable for yielding native copper,
which is an uncommon mineral in Sweden, It contains likewise
malachite and copper pyrites. Various species o f iron ore occur in
the same mine; as magnetic ironstone, specular iron ore, &c. This
mine occurs in thé parish of Grasmark. There are two or three other
mines in the same parish.
There are likewise several iron and copper mines in the parish of
Gunnarskog. I am not sure, indeed, whether or not they are wrought ;
but the ores at least occur. They consist o f magnetic iron-stone, and
variegated copper ore ; and the rock in which they all occur appears to
be quartz.
The mine of Rud in the parish o f Glafva, yields both silver and
copper. The pres which occur in it are fahlore, variegated copper
ore, copper pyrites, and galena containing seven lod of silver in the
hundred weight. White-coloured compact sulphate o f barytes is
found in the same mine. The rock appears-to be quartz.
Holmserud, in the parish o f Skillingmark, contains magnetic ironstone
yielding 60 per cent, of iron.
Tvârdal, in the parish of' Silbodal, contains copper pyritès and
galena. The rock, or véin-stone rather, is white quartz.,
Torgèlsbÿn;' in the parish of'Sillerud, was wrought in the year
J 782. It contained' galena, yielding only 1 7 per cent, o f lead; and
24- lod of silver, per hundred weight of ore..