a paper, by Mr. Billberg, published in the Memoirs of the Swedish
Academy, for 1809. The names employed are the Linnman. I have
added the Swedish names when I happened to be acquainted with
them, and likewise the English names by which they are distinguished
in this country.
Nocticolje. Vespertilio murinus. In Swedish Laderlapping. In English, Common Bat.
F e ra s Phoca Vitulina. In Swedish, Kut. Common Seal.
Three varieties occur, viz. a flavescens; 0 argentea; y.
Canis vulpes. Fox.
Mustela erminea. The Ermine.
vulgaris. In Swedish, Risfelvissla. Weazel.
Fossores. Erlnaceus Europeus. Hedgehog.
Sorex araneus. Common Shrew.
Talpa Europea. Mole.
G lires . . . . Lepus timidus. The Hare.
Mus decumanus. Norway Rat.
rattus. Black Rat.
musculus. Mouse.
sylvaticus. Wood Mouse.
paludosus. Water Rat.
Sciurus vulgaris. Common Squirrel.
P e co ra . . . . Cervus Elaphus. Stag.
B e llu a . . . . Delphinus Phocaena. Porpesse.
A ccipitres. Falco Chrysaetos. Golden Eagle. Very rare.
Albicilla. Cinereous Eagle.
Ossifragus. Sea Eagle.
Lagopus. Rough-legged Falcon.
Milvus. Kite.
Gentilis. Falcon Gentil.
Subbateo. Holly.
Bateo. Buzzard.
and Gottland, or Gothland. This last comprehends ten provinces; namely, East Gothland,
Smoland, Blekinge, West Gothland, Dahlsland, Bohusland, Halland, Scania,
Olahd and Gothland. The two last are islands.
G alling
P asseres
Falco Tinnunculus. Kestril.
Lanarius. Banner.
Gyrfalco. Gyrfalcon.
JEruginosus. Moot* Buzzard.
Polumbarius. Goshawk.
Umbrinus. In Swedish, Ganska Sallsynt.
iEsalon. Merlin.
Nisus. Sparrow-hawk.
Strix Bubo. Great-eared Owl.
Otus. Long-eared Owl.
Nyctea. Snowy Owl.
Aluco. Aluco Owl.
Stridula. Tawny Owl.
Lanius Excubitor. Butcher Bird.
Collurio. Red-lacked Shrike...
. Corvus Corax. Raven.
Corone. In Swedish, Rauk. Carrion Crow.
Frugilegus. Rook.
Coronae. The Roller.
Cornix. Hooded Crow.
Monedula. Jackdaw. ■
Glandularius. Jay.
Caryocatactes. Nutcracker.
Pica. Magpie.
Coracias Garulla. The Roller.
Cuculus Canorus- In Swedish, Gauk. Cuckoo.
Yunx Torquilla. In Swedish, Gaukpit. Wryneck.
Picus Martius. In Swedish, Tojla. Great Black Woodpecker.
Major. ")
Medius > Hackspit. Greater, middle, and smaller spotted'
Minor"’ ) lVoodPeckerr
Sitta Europsea. Nuthatch. •
Upupa epops. Hoopoe.
Certhia familiaris. Creeper.
.. Tetrao Tetrix. Black Grous.
Coturnix. Quail.
,, Columba Oenas. ■ Stock 'Dove.
Palumbas. Ring Dove.
Alauda arvensis. Skylark.
pratensis. Titlark,