
A larger species than either of the former, and tbe only one at present known with quite smooth leaves. Stems
loosely tufted, slender, 4 -1 0 inches long, much branched. Leaves crowded along the terminal branches, imbricating
at the base, spreading, 4 inch long, linear or liuear-oblong, blunt, concave, rather coriaceous, quite smooth, pale
yellow-green. Heads of flowers hardly exserted beyond the upper leaves, amongst which they nestle. Involuci'al
scales loosely imbricated ; outer hke the leaves, but often brown at the tip ; inner longer, radiating, with white tips,
or sometimes with the whole upper half white.
4. Raoulia subsericea, Hook. fil. ; dense cæspitosa, caulibus brevibus ramosis erectis v. ascendentibus,
foliis dense imbricatis lineari-ligulatis obtusis sericeis subcoriaceis patentibus v. suberectis enerviis, capitulis
majusculis, involucri imbricati squamis exterioribus b re tib u s lauatis intimis plurimis 1-serialibus basi
scariosis su])ra medium lineari-elongatis radiantibus albidis, flosculis perplui-imis.
H a b . Middle Islan d . P o r t Cooper, LyaU.
A very pretty little species, with a conspicuous white ray to the head of flowers, which is not so large or broad
as in the following species. Stems 1 -2 inches high, densely tufted, covered with closely imbricating, spreading, or
subereet leaves. Leaves linear, 3 -4 lines long, sometimes rather spathulate, broader towards the end, more or less
silky, sometimes nearly glabrous, blunt, rather coriaceous, gi-een. Heads large for the size of the plant, about twice
as long as the leaves, with veiy numerous florets. Outer scales of the involucre woolly, with scarious tip s; inner
forming a regular series of many linear white rays.
5. Raoulia grandiflora. Hook. fil. ; caule robusto brevi simphci v. diviso curvo folioso radicante, foliis
dense imbricatis erectis lineari-lanceolatis ligulatisve subacutis striatis sericeis nitidis vaginis lanatis membranaceis,
capitulis magnis foliis supremis immersis, involucri squamis extimis paucis brevibus sericeis intimis
l-seriatis longe radiatis albidis linearibus obtusis, acheniis receptaculoque pilosis. T a b . X X X Y II. A.
H ab. N o rth e rn Islan d . Top o f th e Ruahine range, i
Much the prettiest and largest species of the genus, conspicuous for its imbricating, shining, silky leaves,
and large capitula, with white, radiating, involucral scales. Stems curved, stout, simple, rooting from amongst the
leaves, apparently prostrate and ascending, 2 -3 inches long, with the leaves inch thick. Leaves closely imbricated,
erect, shining and silky, lanceolate or linear, rather sharp, striated or fuiTOwed, with broad, woolly, membranous
sheaths. Heads very large for the size of the plant, upwards of 4 inch across. Outer involucral scales
short and silky; inner forming a veiy distinctly separate series of about twelve to fifteen white spreading rays.
Achenia and receptacle hairy.—This species very much resembles a single-headed Helichrysurn ; but I have retained
it in Raoulia, because of its evident close affinity to R. subsericea, and the very narrow receptacle.— P l a t e XXXVII.rf.
Fig. 1, mvolucral scale; 2, receptacle ; 3, floret of tbe cfrcumference ; 4, of the disc ; 5, pappus; 6, stamen
Gen. XV. G N A PH A L IUM , L in n .
Capitulum multiflorum, heterogamum ; flosculis omnibus tubulosis, radii ? , pluriserialibus, tenuissimis,
disci ^ . Involucrum disco æquale v. longius, oblongum v. late hemisphæricum ; squamis erectis v. radiantibus
imbricatis scariosis apicibus plerumque hyalinis. Receptaculum planum v. convexum, nudum. An-
theroe basi bisetæ. Achenia te retia, papillosa v. glaberrima. 'Pappus 1-serialis, setis filiformibus scaberulis.—
Herbæ pAeroeque lanaioe.
oolíy herbs, with alternate, generally narrow leaves, and solitary or corymbose heads of flowers. Heads
many-flowered ; florets of the circumference in many series, numerous, veiy slender, female ; the rest tubular,
campanulate above, four- to flve-toothed, hemaphrodite. Involucre of various forms, broad, with long, spreading,
white rays in the first two sections ; narrow, cylindrical, with conniving or erect, imbricating, hynline, or scarious
scales in the last section. Receptacle convex or nearly plane, broad or narrow. Anthers with two tails. Achenia
terete, papillose or smooth. Pappus of one series of very slender, slightly roughened hairs, of equal length.—
A large and not very natural genus as at present constituted, species of which are found all over the world ; some of
these having also very wide ranges ; indeed, few latitudes, climates, or elevations are without the genus. I t differs
from llelichrysum only in the numerous female flowers of the disc, otherwise these are nndistinguishable as genera ;
and indeed some species of each are very closely allied to one another. The radiate section should probably form
another genus, but if so, the radiate Helichrysa must also be made into a genus or be combined with these, disregarding
the number of female florets as of generic importance. (Name from yva(f>aXnv, wool.)
§ a. CoNODiscus. ' Heads solitary. Young receptacle conical,
conspicuous white ray.
Inner involuci'al scales forming a broad.
1. Gnaphalium pro stra tum. Hook, fil.; caule prostrato ramosissimo, ramulis foliosis lanatis ascendentib
u s apice monocephalis, foliis parvis obovato-oblongis spathulatisve obtusis mucronatis superne incanis v.
glabratis subtus pube laxe v. arete appressa sericeis, capitulis subsessilibus v. breve pedunculatis, involucri
squamis extimis brevibus lanatis acuminatis intimis 2 -3 -se ria tis longe radiantibus subacutis, flosculis radii
paucis foemineis 2 -3 -seriatis, receptáculo lato convexo primum conico. PI. An ta rc t. p . 30. t. 21.
H ab. N o rth e rn Islan d . M o u n t Egmont, a t 4 0 0 0 feet elev., Dieffenbach; top of Titiokura, Colenso.
YVhole plant silvery, with white wool and shining appressed tomentum on the fohage. Stems prostrate, slender,
rather woody at the very hase, 6 inches to 2 feet long, with ascending, leafy, woolly branches, terminated by an
almost sessile head ; the stem not being elongated beyond the cauline leaves into a bracteate peduncle as in the
following species. Leaves numerous, spreading or recurved, oblong-obovate or oblong-spathulate, f - f inch long,
blunt, with a sharp muero ; the upper surface hoary or downy, rarely glabrous, the under densely woolly. Heads
large, 4—|- inch across. Outer involucral scales short, woolly, acuminate ; inner very long, narrow, radiating, white,
sharp-pointed, sometimes brown at the back. Florets much shorter than the involucre ; small, few, iu
several series.—The involucral rays of this pretty plant expand long before the florets are fully formed, and I was
(in the ‘Flora Antarctica’) deceived as to the appearance of the latter, all of which I supposed to be hermaphrodite.
At that time I was acquainted with the following very closely allied species, only through indifferent original specimens
of Forster, which, from their incomplete state, I could uot distinguish specifically from this. I accordingly
recorded them as the same in Flora Antarctica Supplement.
2. Gnaplialium bellidioides. Hook. fil. ; caulibus breviter p rostratis ascendentibus divisis v. parce ra mosis,
ramis foliosis apice in pedúnculos lanatos bracteatos monocephalos abeuntibus, foliis lineari-obovatis
obovato-spathnlatisve mucronatis superne lanatis glabratisve subtus dense argenteo-lanatis, pedunculis
elongatis laxe bracteatis, capitulis u t in priore. Xerantliemum bellidioides, Forst. B a n k s et Sol. .1/55.
ct Ic.
H ab. N o rth e rn and Middle Islan d . E a st coast, B a n k s a n d Solander, Colenso; Cook’s Straits, Forster,
H U rville; Otago, LyaU.
Ycry similar indeed to the preceding species, but not so prostrate and less branched, with the branches terminating
ill long (3-6 inches), bracteated, woolly peduncles, bearing heads of flowers quite like those of G. prostratum.
§ b. Heads corymbose. Receptacle plane or conve.v, rather broad. Inner involucral scales forming a broad,
conspicuous white rag.
3. Giinplialiiuu L y a llii, Hook, fil.; caule robusto basi decumbente ramoso, ramis asceudentibus sericeis
sulcatis foliosis, foliis (3 -4 unc.) patulis anguste lineari-oblougis lauceolatisve acuminatis 1 -3 -n e rv iis
supra glabratis su b tu s dense nivco-tomentosis, corymbis polycephalis, capitulis siibcongestis, involucri squa-
inis interioribus pluriseriatis longe radiantibus, flosculis foemineis multiseriatis, receptáculo lato convexo.
H a b . Middle Islan d . Massacre Ray, L ya ll.
2 L