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1 2 2 FLOILV OE NEW ZEilLAND. [C om p o ü toe .
white wool, cobwebby about the base of the capitulum. Heads 2 -3 inches broad. Involucral scales linear, narrow,
sharp, with recurv’ed tips, nearly smooth. Ray florets very numerous, linear, revolute. Achenia linear-oblong,
pubescent or hairy.—Mr. Bidwill says that horses are fond of this plant, tearing it up in large tufts ; also, that the
woolly epidermis of the leaf is spun into thread, and said to be woven into a kind of fabric—P l a t e XXXII. Pig.
1, floret of the ray ; 3, of the disc :— both magn fled.
4. Celmisia Mackaui, Raoul ; vaginis elongatis glabratis in tu s araneosis, foliis longissime lineari-
lanceolatis acuminatis plicatis submembranaceis u trin q u e glaberrimis, scapis glabratis, bracteis plurimis
lineari-subulatis basi latioribus vaginatis membranaceis, involucri glaberrimi squ-amis e basi late ovatis
subulatis longe acuminatis, acheniis glaberrimis. Raoul, Choix de Riantes, p . 19. 1 .14.
H a b . Middle Island. Akaroa, Raoul.
Veiy similar indeed to C. coriacea; but the leaves are more membranous and smooth, and have no loose cuticle ;
the scape also and involucres are quite glabrous, or nearly so. . Bracteæ 4 -1 inch long, with broad sheathing
bases, and long attenuated acuminate points. Involucral leaves glabrous, with ovate broad bases, and very long,
subulate, squarrose or recurved points. Pappus yeUoivish. Achenium quite smooth.
5. Celmisia spectabilis. Hook, fil.; vaginis elongatis pilis molliter sericeis laxe e t longe villosis, foliis
crassis e t coriaceis anguste lineari-oblongis obtusis subacutisve marginibus recurvis obscure remote crenato-
dentatis integerrimisve superne glaberrimis nitidis sulcatis su b tu s tomento albido v. fulvo dense obtectis,
scapis bracteisque anguste linearibus dense sericeo-villosis, involucri villosi squamis anguste subulatis
pauciseriatis, flosculis radii plurimis ligula latiuscula, acheniis glaberrimis. Nohis in F l. Antarct. p . 35
in nota. T a b . X X X I I I . A.
Var. /3? lanceolafa; foliis angustissime lanceolatis angustatis acuminatis. T a b . X X X I I I . B .
H a b . No rth e rn and Middle Islands. Tongariro and Nelson, alt. 3 - 6 0 0 0 feet, BidwiU. Mount
H ik u ran g i; on th e east coast, Colenso. Var. /3. Middle Islan d , L y a ll. Ruahine Mountains, Colenso.
A very different-looking plant from any of the former species, smaller-flowered, with shorter, more linear-
oblong, sharp or blunt, and very thick coriaceous leaves, covered below with a coarse, tliick, appressed tomentum,
which turns yellow in drjlng. Sheaths of the leaves beautifully clothed with long silky soft wool, as are the scapes
and involucres. Leaves 5-10 inches long, A inch broad, smooth and shining above, marked longitudinally with
shallow grooves ; margins shghtly recurved, quite entire, or remotely obscurely crenate. Bracteæ very narrow,
linear. Involucre obconical ; scales very naiTow. Ray florets numerous, broad. Achenia quite smooth.—I have
referred the var. jS here doubtfully, my specimens being unsatisfactory. Mr. Colenso’s are in flower, and have the
leaves upwards of a span long, veiy naiTow lanceolate, with long acuminated points. Dr. Lyall’s are still longer,
1-1 4 foot, with more appressed silky white tomentum below, like that of C. coriacea; but the specimens not being
in flower, 1 cannot speak decisively about them. In both there is a tendency in the margin of the leaf to become
remotely notched.—P late XXXIIl. rf. Fig. 1 , ray floret; 3 , its tu b e ; 3 , disc floret; 4 , stamen; 5, styles:— all
magnified. P l a t e XXXIII. B. represents a leaf of the var. /3?
§ b. Leaves very narrow, grass-like. Heads o f flowers much smaller than in the former section.
6. Celmisia gracilenta. Hook. fil. ; foliis anguste lineari-elongatis obtusis acutis acuminatisve marginibus
integerrimis planis plus minusve revolutis superne glaberrimis araneosis vel pube arctc appressa
argenteo-sericeis e t nitidis su b tu s dense lanatis niveis, scapis foliis longioribus brevioribusve dense lanatis
floccosisve, bracteis linearibus, involucri squamis anguste linearibus obtusis acuminatisve apice sphacelatis
pauciseriatis, acheniis elongatis glaberrimis, styli ramis fl. disci elongatis.
Y ar. a ; foliis anguste linearibus acuminatis marginibus ad costam revolutis superne araneosis v. pube
appressa argenteo-sericeis nitidis. Aster gracilenta, Ba n k s et Sol. M S S . e t Ic. Celmisia, FL Antarct. p . 35
in nota.
Y’ar. /3 ; foliis latioribus anguste lineari-lanceolatis marginibus revolutis, scapis validis.
Y’ar. 7 ; foliis u t in var. a, involucri foliolis brevioribus lineari-oblongis obtusis.
Var. á ; foliis lineari-elongatis flaccidis submembranaceis superne glaberrimis viridibus su b tu s niveis
marginibus te n u ite r recurvis. C. graminifolia, F l. Antarct. p . 35 in nota.
H a b . A b u n d an t th ro u g h o u t th e Islands, B a n k s a n d Solander, etc. "Var. /3. Auckland, Sinclair.
Mo u n t Egmont, close to th e perpetual snow, Dieffenbach. "Var. 7 . Canterbury, L ya ll. Var. B. Bay of
Islands, Sinclavr, etc. Canterbury, LyaU.
A very common and variable plant, generally growing in dense tufts. Leaves numerous, very long, slender
aud gi’ass-like, 4 -6 inches long, rigid or flaccid, usually acuminate, but sometimes blunt, the margins more or less
recurved, often revolute to the costa ; upper surface quite smooth in var. S, in the other varieties covered more or less
copiously with silveiy white wool, which often forms a shining, delicate, loose cuticle, as in C. coriacea ; under surface
more or less densely covered with white wool. Scapes stout or slender, longer or shorter than the leaves, bearing
many linear bracteæ 4 -1 inch longs covered copiously with white floccose wool. Capitulum yellow, with a white
ray, very variable in size, 4 -3 inches across. Involucre obconical, of narrow, slender, flat, loosely imbricating,
woolly scales, brown at the tip, sharp or rarely (in var. y) blunt. Florets of the ray numerous, with narrow ligulæ.
Pappus copious, yellowish or fuscous. Achenia quite smooth. Styles of the flowers of the disc with long acuminate
§ c. Leaves small, short, broad, downy beneath or smooth. Receptacle often deeply pitted, with stiff-toothed
margins to ike hollows.
7. Celmisia mcawa. Hook, fil.; foliis congestis ( l - l 4-uncialibus) obovato-oblongis lineari-obovatisve
acutis u trin q u e vestitis subtus molliter dense superne la siu s albo-lanatis incanis subplicatis marginibus
ten u ite r recurvis remote denticulatis, scapis solitariis plurimisve dense lanatis bracteatis, involucri squamis
lineari-subulatis apicibus patulis fusco-tomentosis, radii liguHs gracilibus, acheniis pilosis, receptáculo p ro fu
n d e alveolate. T a b . X X X IV . A.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . M o u n t H ik u ran g i and Ruahine range, Colenso.
A small species, covered everywhere, except on the involucre, with white wool. Leaves coriaceous and rigid,
numerous, crowded, spreading, 1 - 14 uich long, linear-oblong or obovate, sharp or blunt, narrowed into a very broad
petiole, densely clothed with white silvery wool below, hoar}’ above and grooved, margins hardly recurved, obscurely
remotely toothed. Scapes usually several, very woolly, with many ovate subulate bracts, 4 iuch long. Heads
I - I 4 inch across, yellow, with a white ray. Involucral scales numerous, linear-subulate, tomentose, with tawny or
brownish down, somewhat glandular. Ray florets with narrow revolute ligulæ. Achenia hair}’. Receptacle deeply
pitted, with raised, stiff, chaff-like margins to the hollows.— P l a t e XXXIV. A. Fig. 1, receptacle; 2, floret of ray;
3, floret of disc ; 4, pappus ; 5, arms of style ; 6, stamen :—all magnified.
8. Celmisia discolor, Hook, fil.; caule b re ti robusto diviso folioso, foliis congestis patulis lineari- v.
oblongo-obovatis obtusis subacutisve remote e t obscure dentatis superne glaberrimis subsulcatis luride
viridibus subtus lana arete appressa argentéis, petiolo b re ti lato vagina sulcata sericea, scapis gracilibus
bracteis subulatis involucrique (subsquarrosi) squamis glanduloso-pubescentibus, capitulis u t in C. incana,
acheniis sericeis, receptáculo profunde alveolato.
"Var. /S? foliis ellipticis petiolatis acutis apiculatis superne glabris planis submembranaceis inferne
lana arete appressa sericeis. (An sp. d istin c ta ? )
H a b . Middle Islan d . Nelson, on th e mountains, BidwiU. Var. /3. Milford Sound, L y a ll.
A very similar plant to C. incana, and perhaps only a variety ; it differs in wanting the soft woolly clothing ou
the under surface of the leaf, which is replaced by a closely appressed silvery coating ; and in the upper suriace
being dark green and quite naked ; also in the scape being covered with the same glandular pubescence as is con