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distantly branched, beaiing pedunculate or sessile, dense, componnd fascicles of red-brown spikelets, surrounded
with broad spatbaceous bracts. Siamens three ; filaments not elongated. Ovary trigonous, compressed, witb a large,
swollen, acute top, which is puberulous.—The spathes distinguish this species, which is a common Austrahan and
Tasmanian plant.
2. Cladium teretifoUum, Br. ? culmo te re ti stria to, foliis te retibus striatis apice subulatis caulinis
abbreviatis, panicula ramosa subcoarctata, spiculis fasciculatis sub-2-üoris squamis castaneis late ovatis
ciliatis aristatis, nuce tú rg id a suberosa rugosa apice incrassata cuspidata.— B r . Prodr. p . 237 ? Schoenus
strictissimus, B a n h et Sol. MSS.
H.iB. N o rth ern Island. Opuragi, B a n h and Solander. Bay of Islands, frequent in marshes, Cunningham,
Sinclair, etc.
In foliage like G. glomeratum, but tbe panicle is rather dense, 2-5 inches long, oblong, much branched, dark
chesnut-brown, of many crowded fascicles of spikelets, wliich have no conspicuous spatbaceous bracts. Nu t with
a corky furrowed surface, and cuspidate swelling at top—as is probably the case with the two former species.— If
this be Mr. Brown’s plant, it is also a native of Australia.
3. Cladium articulatum, B i. \ culmo te re ti striato folioso, foliis teretibus subulatis articulatis, panicula
decomposita effusa.— B r . Prodr.
H a e. N o rth e rn Island. Lak e Eotoetara, Colenso.
My specimens are very imperfect. Tops of the culms, in one specimen, as tbick as a pencil, spongy, striated,
fistulöse, disjointed, terminated hy large effuse nodding panicles. In auother specimen the top of the culm has
ver}“ close-set joints, and a young lateral panicle. Spikelets fascicled, three-flowered, longer than the awned bracteæ.
Scales subaristate, scabrous at the back. Ovary with a large bulbous apex.
Gen. X I. V IN C E N T IA , Gaud.
S p icu la l-3 -fio ræ , monospermæ. Squamæ undique imbricatæ, pleræque vacuæ. S tamina 3 ; filamentis
post anthesin elongatis. Setæ v. squamulæ hypogynæ 0. Ovarium pedicellatum, u trin q u e atten u atum.
N u x Crustacea, trigona, basi styli simplice inarticulata, puberula, cuspidata, pedicello basi incrassato stipata.
Herb a elata, 3-h -p ed a lis ; culmo compresso, lævissimo, fo lio so ; foliis ohcompressis, complanaüs, gladiatis,
equitantïbus, acuminatis, marginibus lævissimis j panicula ampla, decomposita, nutante, basi spathaceo-brac-
teata, ramulis gracilibus basi spathaceis; spiculis fa sc icu la tis, fa s c icu lis bracteatis; bracteis squamisque
submembranaceis, puberulis, in fm is aristatis dorso scaberulis.
The few known species of this genus inhabit chiefly the Cape of Good Hope and the Pacific Islands.— V.
anceps has the flat leaves and habit of Lepidosperma, simple, acuminate, not bulbous-topped nut of Cladium Mariscus,
and the long filaments of Lampocarya. I t is a tall marsh-plant, with flattened leafy culms, several feet high and
I inch broad, their edges blunt. lÆaves equitant, striate, nearly an inch broad, quite flat; edges sharp, quite even,
not cutting. Panicle soft, a foot long, very much branched, nodding; with a flat, sheathing spathe. Branches
fascicled, arising from sheathing spathes, drooping, very many-fiowered. Spikelets small, fascicled, pale brown.
Bracts and lower scales awned, all slightly downy, striated, rough at the back. Plowers about three, one only
bearing stamens and also ripening fruit. Filaments three, those of the fertile flower much elongated. Nu t small,
trigonous, much narrowed at both ends, below into a pedicel, wbich is bulbous at the base; above into a cuspidate
puberulous point ; pericarp crustaceous, mottled with red. (Name in honour of ihe late Col. Bory de St. Vincent,
an eminent French botanist.)
I . Yincentia anceps, Hook. fil. Scirpus anceps^ B a n h et Sol. M S S .
H ab. N o rth e rn Is la n d ; marshes, n o t uncommon. E a st Coast and interior, B a n h and Solander,
Colenso. Auckland, Sinclair.
Gen. X I I . LAMPOCARYA, B r .
? 1-floræ ; squamæ und iq u e imbricatæ. Setæ v. squamulæ hypogynæ 0. Stamina 3 - 6 ; filamentis
post anthesin plerumque elongatis. N u x filamentis staminum elongatis suspensa, ossea, nitens, superne
incrassata, obtusa v. sæpius styli basi cuspidata, nucleo non v. obscure transversim rugoso.
Generally rigid, harsh, leafy Sedges, witb large panicles and cutting leaves ; natives of Australia, Tasmama, and
New ’LcvXauà.— Spikelets one-flowered, with many scales imbricated on all sides. Stamens three to six, filaments
elongated. Bristles 0. N u t hanging to the long filaments, hard, bony, shining, very thick, especially at the top ;
seed not conspicuously transversely wrinkled. (Name from Aa/iTro), to shine, and Kapvov, a nut.)
§ a. Filaments tliree, not elongated after flowering.
1. Lampocarya affinis, B ro n g .; culmo robusto foUoso angulato scaberulo foliis convolutis rigidis
asperuRs breviore, panicula elongata erecta folioso-bracteata ramis paucis erectis, spiculis fastigiatis pallidis
bracteolis longe aristatis sæpius b re tio rib u s, squamis subbifariam imbricatis dorso ma rgimbusque ciliolatis
extimis aristatis, filamentis 3 vix elongatis, styHs 3, n uce ovata acuminata atra m ù à a .— Bro n g n ia rt in
Buperrey Voyage. Morelotia Gahniæformis, Gaud, in Freyc. Voy. p . 4 1 6 . t. 28. A . R ich . F h r , A . Cuna.
Prodr, Schoenus arenarius, B a n h et Sol.
H ab. N o rth e rn and Middle Is la n d s ; on hills, common, B a n h a n d Solander, etc.
Very nearly allied to the M. Gaudichaudii of the Sandwich Islands, but the nut is smaller and less turgid.—
Oulms 8-1 8 inches, obtusely angled, rough, much shorter than the very long, narrow, rigid, convolute, striated
leaves, wHch are rough to the touch. Panicle 3 -6 inches high, narrow, erect, with long leafy bracts. Branches
erect, few together, with fascicles of bracteolate, pale spikelets ; bracteoles and outer scales awned, inner acuminate.
Filaments tliree, scarcely lengthened after flowering. N u t narrow ovate ; when young turgid, with three thick pale
ribs ; when old black, sbining, cuspidate, grooved down one side.
2. Lampocarya tenax, Hook, fil.; culmo gracillimo te re ti lævi stria to subaphyUo v. 1-foliato, folio
elongato subulato culmo æquilongo, vaginis paucis lamina erec ta brevi su b u lata termina tis, panicula
elongata gracili pauciflora, bracteis longe vaginatis aeuminatis v. lamina sn b u lata donatis, ramis strictis
elongatis, spiculis subalternis pallidis, bracteolis striatis aristatis, squamulis convolutis late ovatis stria tis
subcai'iiiatis aristatis dorso marginibusque ciliolatis, stigmatibus filamentisque tribus vix elongatis, nuce
ovata u trin q u e obtusa obscure trig o n a flavo-bruuuea n itid a basi apiceque a tra .— Schoenus teuax, B a n h et
Sol. AÍSS.
H ab. N o rth e rn Islan d ; Opurago au d Tolaga, B a n k s and Solander ; Bay of Islan d s, R . Cunningham ;
Auckland, Sinclair.
Culms 2 -3 feet high, very slender, terete, striate, quite smooth. Sheaths one or two, 14-3 inches long, with
short subulate laminæ. Panicle very slender, erect, pale, few-flowered, 4 -S inches long. Branches few, slender,
arising from sheathing bracts. Spikelets scattered towards the tops of the brauches, 2 hnes long ; bracteolæ and
scales broad, convolute, awned. Nu t small, ovate, blunt, 1 hue long, with three obscure, convex, yellow-browu.
polished sides, aud black base aud top, attached to the three scarcely leugtheued filaments.
§ b. Filaments four, elongated after flowering.
3. Lampocarya lacera, A. Rich. ; culmo te re ti valido folioso n x scaberulo, foliis lævibus longissimis
plauis convolutisve in setas longissimas capiUares desinentibus culmo brevioribus, panicula densiflora elongata
foliosa, bracteis longissimis apice flliformibus, spiculis alternis sessüibus, bracteis squamisque exterioribus
late ovatis aristatis intimis acutis, filamentis 4 elongatis, nuce obscure 3-goua elliptico-ovata a tra in tu s
obscure transverse rugosa.—A , Rich. Flor. A. Cunn, Prodr. Schoenus melanocarpus, B a n h e t S :l. MS S .
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