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Anthera terminalis.— Roxh siUrrestres; caule brevissimo; fo lio so¿¿iíaí-¿«,
fru c tife ro elongato ; floribus sordide purpureis.
[ Orchidece.
; scapo brevi, unifloro.
One of the most eunons-looking genera of this remarkable Natural Order, similar to Corgsauthes of Australia
to which It IS closely allied.-Aouf* fibrous. Stems succulent, sheathed at the base, often appearing like a petiole
from the side of which the flower bursts. Zra /b ro ad , sessile or petioled. Scape short, with oue flower and bract,’
lengthened in frud. Moicers lurid purple, conspicuous for the filiform slender petals and sepals. Upper sepal
oocled, lateral filiform, placed under the lip, projecting horizontally. Fetals filiform, erect, l i p very concave,
cor ate at the base, broader than long, with incurved margins, and many veins, which, projecting beyond the
trancate edge, give it a fringed appearance. Column short, curved, ivith a terminal, one-celled, two-lobed anther.
^ 0 ns our (according to Brown).—The species all require examination in a living state; those described appear
remarkably distinct from one another, but more specimens are vei-y much desired. (Name from yr,aa, a thread, and
Kfpaç, a horn.)
1. Nematoceras oblonga, Hook. fil. ; folio sessili ovato-oblongo apioulato, scapo ex axilla folii orto,
bractea ovario æqmlonga, flore parvo, sepalis lateralibus labello quadruplo longioribus, petalis sepalis
brevioribus, labello late quadrato cuculiato marginibus incui-vis apice tru n c a to ciliato-deiitato, columna
subelongata arcuata. Tab. L V I I . B .
H ab. N o rth ern Island, Cunningham, Edgerley, ete. Mountains of th e interior, Colenso. Auckland
S inc lair. *
Root covered with thick wooUy fibres. Stem 1_2 inebes. l e a f ovato-oblong, sessile, with an apieulus, sometimes
cordate at the base, f - l i inch long. Scape short. Bract as long as the ovary, leafy, acuminate. Lateral sepals
, inch. L,p ± meh. broadly reniform, cordate when spread out. deep blood-red purple, with transparent ed«es,
margin in front sharply toothed, tip subulate. Column curved.—P l a t e LVII. B. Fig 1, Flower; 2 lip • 3 ” he’
same spread open ; 4. column -.— all magnifled. < ■ l > .
2. Nematoceras maerantha. Hook, fil.; folio petiolato late ro tunda to cordato apioulato basi profunde
bilobo, scapo brevi caulino, bractea parva, flore resupinato, ovario curvo, sepalis lateralibus labello ter
ongioribus supremo lanceolato cuculiato acuminato, petalis longissimis labello te r quaterve longioribus
labeUo maximo latissimo recurvo cuculiato marginibus incuivis undulatis apicem versus eroso-dentatis’
columna brevissima. T ab. L Y I I . A.
H ab. N o rth e rn and Middle Is la n d s ; wet wmods, bogs, etc. E a st Coast, Colenso. P o rt W illiam, l y a l l .
Stem veiy short. L ea f petioled, orbicular, cordate, apiculate, deeply two-lobed, 1 - 1 | inch long. Flamer on a
short scape, very large, with filiform lateral sepals two to three times its own length, and very long, slender erect
petals ^ Braetea very smaU. Ovarium short, curved. Upper sepal horizontal, lanceolate, aeumiuate, larger tliln the
■p. which IS very much broader than long, 4 inch long, recurved, deep red-purple, with undulate recurved ed«es—
P l a t e LAH, A . Pig. 1, flower; 2, lip ; 3, column -.— all magnified,
8. Nematoceras triloba, Hook, fil.; folio petiolato late reniformi orbiculato basi profunde bilobo apice
3-lobo, lobo intermedio acuto, scapo cauliiio petiolo brevioro, ovario curvo, sepalis lateralibus labello 5-plo
petalisque duplo longionbns, supremo apice dilatato obtuso, labeUo magno latissimo recurvo fere 2-partito
basi 2-auriculatOy columna nana.
H ab. N o rth e rn and Middle Islands ; damp woods. E a st Coast and interior, Colenso.
^ A smaller plant than A. macrantha, with-proportionally stiU longer thread-like lateral sepals and petals. Leaf
petiolate, | inch across, deeply cordato-reniform. trifid. rarely entire at the point; middle lobe acute Peduncle
shorter than the petiole, often much lengthened when in fruit. Perianth | iuch long ; sepals 2 hiehes ; petals half
the length of the lateral sepals; upper sepals dilated and retuse at the point. Lip very large, of two parallel
recurved lobes, and having two curved ears at the base ; margins nearly entire. Chhmm very small
Orchidece?) FLOEA OF NEAV ZEALAND. 251
i , Nematoceras rotundifolia, Hook. fil. ; caule elongato, folio ro tunda to cordato apiculato, scapo ex
axilla folii orto brevi, bractea ovario æquilonga.
H ab. No rth e rn Islan d . Clay banks. Manawatu, Colenso.
I revret not having expanded flowers of this curious little plant ; those I have in bud resemble A. oUonga in size
and form of the pieces of the perianth. Stem slender. 1 -2 inches long. Leaf orbicular, cordate, acuminate or
apiculate, 4 inch broad. The flower rises from between the lobes at the base of the leaf in my specimens, but this
may not be a constant character. I have leaves of this or a very similar plant from Lord Auckland’s Group.
5. Nematoceras rivularis. Hook. 111.; folio subsessili ovato-cordato basi bilobo apice retuso apioulato,
bractea subfoliacea ovario breviore, flore mediocri, sepalo supremo lineari-oblongo acuminato lateralibus
labello duplo longioribus, petalis longissime lineari-setaceis sepalis duplo longioribus, labello trulUformi
recurvo marginibus un d u la tis apice an gusta to retuso apiculato, columna mediocri. Acianthus rivularis,
A . Cunn. Prodr. L in d l. Gen. et Sjo. Orchid.
I L a e . N o rth e rn Is la n d ; in shaded ravines. AVangaroa Bay, A . Cunningham. Auckland, Captain
H autain.
This resembles A. triloba very closely, but the leaf is shortly petiolate. and the labellum of a very different
form, being trowel-shaped, much recurved, with a retuse truncate apex. The leaf also is longer and ovate.
Obs. I have several species or varieties of this genus, from the Middle and Southern Islands, gathered by Dr.
Lyall, and from Lord Auckland’s Group ; but they are not in a fit state for determination.
Gen. X V I. GASTRODIA, B r .
P e ria n th ii foliola in tu b um apice 5-fidura basi ventricosum connata. Labellum posticum, inclusum,
liberum, unguiculatum. Columna cava, basi antice stigmatosa. Anthera terminalis, decidua. P o llin ia i ,
per paria cohærentia.— Herbæ terrestres, aphyllce ; scapo vaginato ; floribus racemosis.
A curions genus, belonging to a small section of the family, of whicli very few species are known ; they inhabit
dark woods, one in New Zealand, another in Tasmania and Australia, A very few closely aUied plants occur in
Java, the Indian mountains, and in Siberia ; all are leafless parasites, and are of a uniform pale brown colour. G.
Cumiingliamii has a root as thick as the fore-finger, sometimes eighteen inches long, full of starch, and eaten by the
natives.—a im 1-2 feet liigli, stout, bearing here and there semi-amplexicaul, obtuse, membranous, alternate or
opposite and connate bracts. Raceme 6-1 0 inches long. Flamers 20-50, shortly pedicellate, pendulous, with short
scarious bracts, Ferianth tubular, split half-way down the back, gibbous or swollen below, five-toothed, 4 inch long,
fleshy. Lip fi-ee, clawed ; claw winged ; lamina linear-oblong, membranous, waved, with two thick ridges down the
middle. Column very short. Anther two-cellcd, deciduous. Pollens two (or four in cohering pairs), of very large
grains. Stigma a glandular surface in front of the base of the column, communicating by a cavity with the ovarium.
(Name from yauT-qp, a stomach.)
1. Gastrodia Cunninghamii, Ilo o k . f i l ; vaginis inferioribus oppositis connatis, racemo multifloro,
labello basi tru n c ato medio 2-cristato apice incrassato obtuso, columna brevissima. G. sesamoides,
A. Cunn. Prodr. non Br.
H ab. Th ro u g h o u t th e Is la n d s ; in deep woods, From th e Bay of Islands, B . Cunningham, to P o rt
Preservation, L y a ll. N a t. name, "P e r e i,” Col.
Obs. Cheiloglottis cornuta and Lgperanthus Antarcticus, both natives of Lord Auckland s Group, have not yet
been gathered in New Zealand.