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H ab, Very ab u n d an t th ro n g h o u t tb e Islands, B a n h and Solander, etc., to tb e Soutliern extreme,
L ya ll.
^ s tem stout or slender, witli a membranous sbeath at the base, sheathed above the leaf, a span to 24 feet high.
IM m elongate, rarely rounded, l e a f with a long sheath, and thick bnear or Unear-limceolate lamina, very variable
m length and breadth. Jlowere two to twelve, 4-14 inch long, sessile or on slender pedicels, bracteæ ovate or lanceolate,
acummate. as long as the flower, or shorter. Leaves o f the penanti, i - f inch long, ovate or lanceolate, acute
or acuminate, duU purple or yeUowish. Oolu,nn rounded at the summit, bifid. Staminodia shorter than the
column with two projecting feathery t e e t h . - I have examined this plant very carefully in its living state, collecting
handfuls of It m my daUy walks about the Bay of Islands, in its many different forms, and have compared 150
dried specimens from various parts of both Islands, and can find no specific difference between the little slender one-
or wo-flowered plant with broad sepals, yeUowish flower, and bnear leaf, and the great stout form. 2 feet hi«h
with broad leaf, ten or twelve flowers, nearly 14 iuch long, and lanceolate sepals; the form of the column a”nd
staminodia is the same tlu-oughont. My T. stenopetaìa (Fl. Antarct.) of Lord Auckland’s Group is probably a
variety of this. ' '■
2. Tbelymitra imierbis. Hook. fil. ; gracilis, caule paucifloro, folio lineari, floribus erectis jiarvis
flavis bracteis ovario brevioribus, sepalis petalisque late obovato-oblongis acutis, staminodiis columnæ
æqmlongis apice crenatis n udis v. obscure fimbriatis.
H ab. N o rth e rn Islan d . Bay of Islan d s, etc., Colenso, Sinclair, etc.
s slender, 4 inches to 1 foot high. £ « « /narrow linear. few, small, ftracfe« broad, acuminate,
shorter than the ovary. Ferianth yellow, * inch long ; sepals and petals broad, acute. Column as long as the blunt
crenate or fimbriate staminodia.
3. Tbelymitra pulchella, Hook, fib ; caule gracib 3-5 -flo ro , fobo anguste Hneari, p eriantbii foliolis
late obovatis acutis, labello obcuneato, staminodiis erectis u ltra columnam porrectis apice fimbriatis den-
H ab. N o rth e rn an d Middle Islands, Colenso. Otago, L y a ll. N a t. name, “ Maikaika,” L y a ll.
Tubers smaU, m th long fibres at the base of the stem, on which other tubers are formed. Stem slender 1 foot
high. Leaf yery narrow. Mowers glaucons, large, pale purple, very handsome; sepals and petah obovate’ acute
Lip broadly obovate, truncate, or wedge-shaped. Column shorter than the erect toothed or fimbriate staminldia —
This IS a handsome and ven- distinct form in the structure and length of the staminodia; I have fifteen very «ood
specimens, but it is probable that it will be found to pass into T. Forsteri, through tbe following.
4. Tbelymitra uniflora, Hook, fib ; folio lineari, caule 1- rarius 3-floro, floribus erectis, sepalis pe-
tabsque obovato-oblongis acutis, labello obovato, staminodiis erectis columnæ æquüongis apice inæqualiter
bidentatis. F l. Antarct. p . 70.
H ab. Middle and Southern Islands. Milford Sound and P o rt Preservation, L ya ll.
A smaller species than the foregoing, a span high. Ze«/Iinear. Flmoers erect, usually solitary Ovan, pyri-
form, with a short bractea. Sepah and petah obovate-oblong, acute. Lip obovate. Staminodia as long as the
column, unequally toothed, rarely e n tb e .-A very southern form, originally found in Lord Auckland’s Group.
5. Tbelymitra pauciflora, B r .; gracillima, folio longissime Hneari, caule 1-3-floro, periantbii fiavidi
fohoHs anguste lanceolatis acuminatis, staminodiis elongatis u ltra columnam longe porrectis plumosis
anthera mucronata. B r . Brodr. L in d l. Gen. et Sp. Orchid.
H ab. N o rth e rn Island, Colenso.
I have four specimeus of this pretty Httle plant, which are all of a very slender habit, with narrow ovaria aud
lanceolate yellow sepals. Staminodia very long, slender, erect, curving, much longer than the column, feathe’iy at
the tip. Anther broadly oblong, with an erect stout mucro.—This looks like a drawn-out state of T. Forsteri,
growing in long grass or shade. Also a native of Australia and Tasmania.
Obs.—1 have received from Mr. Colenso specimens of a Tlielymitra in acetic acid, resembling T. Forsteri in all
respects, except that the staminodia are subulate, sharply toothed, and not feathery; they are too soft and decayed
for determination, as is often the case with specimens thus pickled.
Gen. IX . M IC R O T IS , B r .
Perianthium carnosum. Sepalum superius galeatum, lateralia sessilia, labeUo su p p o sita ; p e ta la
ascendentia; labellum subunguiculatum, basi bicallosum. Anthera terminalis, persistens. Columna brevis,
biaurita. P o llin ia 4 , apici stigmatis affixa.— ITerbæ terrestres ; floribus minimis, dense spicatis.
An extensive Australian and Tasmanian genus, of which but one, and a highly variable species, inhabits New
Zealand ; it much resembles Prasopliyllum Colensoi, but the flowers are smaller and not resupinate.—Boot of one
small round tuber. Stem 6 inches to 2 feet high, sheathed at the base. Leaf solitary, terete, tubular. Spike
1 -6 inches long, twenty- to eighty-flowered. Flowers very small, green, sessile, inch long. Bract very short.
Perianth minute, fieshy. Uppei' sepal broadly ovate, concave, hooded, two lower placed under the lip, broad, subacute
; petals small, ascending, blunt. Lip oblong, crenate or crisped, blunt or obscurely bilobed, with two lumps
at the base and one towards the tip on the disc. Column very short, with two broad lateral lobes. Anther te rminal.
(Name from piKpos, small, and ov?, an ear.)
1. M ic io tisp o r r fo lia , S p ren g .; sepalis lateralibus ovato-oblongis acuminatis, supremo la te galeato
apice recurvo, petalis lineari-oblongis obtusis, labello oblongo basi 2-calloso apice retuso marginibus sub-
calloso-undulatis disco verrucoso. Spreng. Syst. Veg. M. Banksii, A . Ounn. in B o t. Mag. fo l . 33 1 1 , et
Prodr. L in d l. Gen. et Sp. Orchid. Epipactis, Swartz. Ophrys unifoha, Forst, Frodr.
H ab. A b u n d an t th ro u g h o u t th e Islan d s, B a n k s a n d Solander, etc. P o rt WiRiam, L ya ll.
Gen. X. A C IAN TH U S, B r .
Sepala aristata, lateralia labello supposita, angustiora. Fe ta la suberecta v. reflexa. Labellum dissimile,
porrectum, basi bicaUosum. Columna semi-teres, elongata, arcuata. Anthera terminalis, opercu-
laris. Pollinia 4, p e r paria cohærentia.— Herbæ terrestres, tenellæ, sylvicola, \ f o liata, pauciflora.
A small geuus of Australian aud Tasmauian very delicate herbs, found in mossy places in deep woods. The
New Zealand species has been found also in Lord Auckland’s Group, and is veiy closely allied to the Australian
A . fornicatus, but differs in the lip being less glandular.—Tubers round, formed at the end of long thick fibres.
Stems 1 -3 inches high, with one broadly cordate, acute, deeply two-lobed leaf, inch broad. Racemes of two to
six green flowers. Bracts broad, acute. Ovarium oblong. Perianth 3 lines long. Sepals all aristate ; upper
broad, three-nerved ; lateral narrow, longer, one-nerved, toothed below tbe arista. Petals small, lanceolate, acute.
Lip ovatc-lanceolate, with two lumps at the base and a warted thickened apex. Column slender, curved, not winged.
Anther terminal. (Name from a<tj, a point, and avBos, a flower.)
1. Acianthus Sinc lairii, H o o k .f ll.; folio late cordato acuto profunde bilobo, racemis 2-6-floris,
bracteis late ovatis acutis, sepalis aristatis supremo la te oblongo 3-nervi, lateralibus lineari-elongatis infra
aristam oblique 2-dentatis, labello ovato lanceolato basi bicalloso apice acuto verrucoso.
H ab. Common th ro u g h o u t th e Islands, Sinclair, etc.
Pei'ianthium sub-2-labiatum ; foHolis linearibus. lum supremum erectum, lateralia deflexa;
3 p