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H U Í S i i
The most handsome in foliage, but one of the smallest-flowered species of the genus ; it forms a small black-
barked tree, with curious tufts of squarrose grassy leaves at the ends of the branches, Haves about a foot loug^
an inch broad at the base, recurved, serrulate, gradually dilated into short smooth sheaths, tapering to very long
points ; hollow along the upper surface. Panicle drooping, 6 inches to a foot long, much branched, very many-
flowered. Flowers and fruit very small, the latter 1 4 -2 lines broad.
2. Dracophyllum Menziesii, Hook. fil. ; arboreum, foliis 6-8 -u n cialib u s (pro genere latis) patulis concavis
in vaginam glaberrimam sensim dilatatis longe subulatis subcrenulatis rigidis, panicula (interdum iu-
florescentia racemosa) contracta curva péndula pilosa, calyce glaberrimo corolla majuscula multoties breviore,
capsulis majusculis. E . longifolia, A . R ich . Flora? non Forst. Prodr.
H a b . Middle Islan d . D usky Bay, Menzies; P o rt Preservation, Li/all.
This I suspect to be the plant described by A. Richard as the B. longifoliim of Forster, but whicli is certainly
not that plant according to Forster’s drawings, etc., in the British Museum.—A small tree. Leaves of the same
character as in the last species, but much shorter, only 6 -8 inches long, less squarrose and recurved; the cartilaginous
margins are hardly crenulate, but marked with short cracks. Inflorescence very different from the last, of a
short, drooping, contracted panicle or raceme, 4 -5 inches long, pubescent, with large flowers ; the coroUa \ inch
long, four times longer thau the calyx lobes. Capsules \ inch broad.
3. Dracophyllum Hook. f il.; arbuscula?, foliis 2-3 -u n cialib n s late subulatis supm vaginam
glaberrimam paulo dilatatis acuminatis concavis striatis erectis serrulatis, panicula erecta 2-unciali sub-
coarctata pilosa, ramis crassis, foliolis calycis ovatis acutis tubo corollæ dimidio brevioribus, corolla majus-
cula 5 lin. longa. F l. An ta rc t. in nota.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Tongariro, B idw ill.
I have seen but one specimen of this fine species ; it resembles B . Menziesii in the size of the corolla, which is
however narrower; it differs remarkably from that plant in the small erect panicle and much shorter leaves.
Branches rather stout, leafy for some length. Leaves 24 -3 inches long, slightly contracted ju st above the sheath,
which is not remarkably or suddenly dilated or broader than the lamina, perfectly glabrous, 4 inch long ; from the
contraction upwards the leaf gradually narrows from 4 inch to an acuminate point ; margin serrulate ; upper surface
concave. Panicle erect, 3 inches long ; branches short, downy. Flowers 4 inch long. Calgx about 4 the
length of the tube of the corolla.
4. Dracophyllum affine, Hook, fil.; frutex, foliis (2-uncialibns) la te subulatis patentibus e basi vaginante
glaberrima sensim angustatis planiusculis serrulatis, panicula gracili 2-unciali u n ta n te effusa, ramis
gi-acilibus brevibus glaberrimis, foliolis calycis la te ovatis acutis tubo corollæ (24 lin. longæ) parvæ 4 brevioribus.
F l. An ta rc t. l. c.
H ab. No rth e rn Islan d ; in th e mountains, Bieffenhach.
The ticket of this species has been lost, and I regret not being able to give a more precise locality, as it
has been gathered by Dr. Dieffenbach alone. At first sight it very much resembles B . strictum, having leaves
of exactly the same form and character, but smaller and spreading, 2 inches long and 2 lines broad, hardly liollow
along the upper surface. The panicle affords the best character : it is erect, but curved or nodding, slender, slightly
pubescent or quite glabrous. Flowei's much smaller, hardly 4 inch long.—When I described this plant in the
‘ Flora Antarctica,’ I did not doubt its being distinct from the B . strictum ; but now that I have seen how very much
more variable some of the species of the following section are than I had anticipated, I regard this with some
doubt. I t is remarkable that no specimens of either have been collected by any later explorers; it seems to indicate
the paniculate section to be a scarce one, for I have received copious suites of nearly all the racemose or
spiked species, since I originally described them.
I l l
i J I iii!
§ b. Mowers spiked or racemose, rarely solitary. Calyx as long as the tube o f the coroUa. (D. Menziesii, whmh
has sometimes panicles, is placed in the former section. D. i-osmarinifolium has solitary flowers)
5. Dracopliyllnm longifolmm, B r .; arboreum, folüs (6 -8 uno.) eonfertis supra basin vaginantem eiUa-
tam abru p te angustatis longissime lineari-subulatis stric tis reeurvisve concaTis striatis glabris, spicis soli-
ta riis büiis T. aggregatis lateralibus 7-9 -flo ris, bracteis deciduis, coroUæ lobis la te ovatis obtusis. ^ B r .
Prodr. p . 356 in rw ta . A . Cunn. Prodr. I)C. Prodr. F l. A n ta r c t.p . 4 5 . t. 3 1 , 32. Epa cris longifolia,
Forst. Prodr, et Char. Gen.
H a b . Middle Islan d . D u sk y Bay, Forster.
A smaU tree, abundant in Lord Auckland’s Group and Campbell’s Island, but of wliiob I have seen but one,
and that an indifferent specimen, from New Zealand. Leaves 6 -8 inches long, with broad clUated sheaths, i - f inch
long, above which they contract suddenly to 2 lines, and thence gradually taper to slender long points; upper
surface channeUed. Racemes l i - 2 inches long, seven- to nine-flowered, axillary or terminal, on short lateral
branches. Braeteee faUing away daring the flowering, ovate, acuminate, as weU as the calyx-leaves clUated, the
latter nearly as long as the corolla.
6. Dracophyüum L ja ll ii, Ho o k . fil. ; arbuscula, foHis 2 - 5 unc. longis e basi vaginante cü iata abrupte
angustatis angustissime subulatis strictis rigidis superne caualiculatis supra medium triq u e tris bam 1 Im.
latis, racemis glaberrimis erectis terminalibus l i - 2 unc. longis 6-10-floris, floribus breve pedicellatis,
bracteis caclacis, calycis foliolis ovatis acumiuatis ciliatis, coroUæ lobis la te ovatis.
H ab . Middle an d S outhern Islan d s. Du sk y Bay, Menzies. P o r t Preservation and Thomson’s Sound,
L ya ll.
Very simüar indeed to the former, and probably oiüy a variety ; but amongst many specimens I have none
with leaves anything like the length of those of my Auckland Island plants of D. longifolium. The hraeUæ aud
oalyx leaflets vary very much in length and breadth ; the former fall away daring flowering. Leaves 2 -5 inches
long, quite similar to those of B . longifolium, hut smaller, more rigid and triquetrous beyond the middle. CorolU
and general character ot the inflorescence the same in both.
7. Dracophyllum Hook, fil.; arbuscula, fohis 3 -4 -u n c ia lib u s paten tib u s squarrosis sub-
gramineis (junioribus strictis) e basi vaginante gradatim lineari-subulatis concavis serrulatis, racemis l a - 2 -
uncialibus lateralibus fasciculatis 5-6-floris, bracteis foliolisque calycinis ovato-lanceolatis gradatim acuminatis
florem superantibus, coroRæ tu b o gracili, lobis lanceolatis obtusis. F l. A n ta rc t. p . 4 8 . Epa cris lo n g ifolia,
/3 squarrosa. B a n k s et Sol. M S S . et Ic.
■ H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . E a s t coast. Ba n k s a n d M a n d e r . Manakau Bay, CoUnso. Auckland,
Tlds appears a very distinct species, and I have lately received specimens both from Mr. Colenso and Dr. Sinclair,
quite confirming the characters originally given to it. The habit and long flexuose subsquarrose grassy foliage
are its most prominent characters. Leaves, when fully grown. 3 -4 inches long, spreading, upwards of i inch broad
above the sheath, from which they taper upwards to a long acuminate point, and are concave throughout their
length. Racemes axUlary, lv - 2 inches long, with persistent bracteæ; the latter and calycine lobes ovate or ovate-
lauceolate, acuminate, as long as the tube of the coroUa. Corolla with a rather slender tube, and n a n w spreading
lobes, that have an oblong inflexcd point.
8. Dracophyllum fd ifo lm m , Hook. fil. ; fruticosum, ramis fastigiatis gracüibus flexilibus, foliis 5 -8 -
uncialibus vix i lin. latis angustissime lineari-subiüatis filiformibus erectis vix flexuosis superne ad medium
caualiculatis dciii ad apicem triq u etris, vaginis quadratis superne fere 2-lobis marginibus membranaceis,
O nn