i ■!
: :î ;
forms au erect, much and widely branching shrub, 3 ^ feet h ig h ; branches slender, puberalous. Leaves very narrow,
needle-like, 4 frch long, 4 - | line broad, convex above, channelled below. Flotvers small, solitary ; male calyx
proper 0. Corolla iu both sexes broadly campanulate, with four broad lobes, always surrounded at the base by a
cup-shaped false cidyx.— Eniit edible.
15. Coprosma microcarpa. Hook. f il.; fruticulus humilis, ramosissimus, ramis divaricatis ramulisque
cicatricatis puberulis, foliis parvis (4 uuc.) longis auguste elliptico-lanceolatis acuminatis breviter petiolatis
planis coriaceis enerviis, baccis solitai’iis minimis globosis brevissime pedunculatis cernuis.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Top of Ruahine range, Colenso.
A small, vei-y much branched shrub, a few inches high. Branches slender, spreading, covered with whitish
bark, pubescent, scari'ed. Leaves towards the ends of the branches, few, very small, 4 inch long, quite smooth,
coriaceous, nerveless, plane, narrow, elliptic-oblong, acuminate, shortly petioled. Beiries very small, 14 line in
diameter, globose, on very short bracteate peduncles at the ends of the branches.—Apparently a very distiuct little
species, of which I have seen fruiting specimens only.
16. Coprosma degyressa, C o l.; fruticulus humilis, rigidus, pro stratu s v. suberectus, divaricatim ramosus,
ramis ramulisque validis ultimis puberulis, foliis parvis ( 4 - j longis) subfasciculatis rigidis crassis
coriaceisque enerviis patulis subrecurvis anguste liueari-oblongis subcuneatisve superne concavis planisve
subtus convexis, fl. foem. ovario stipulis calyciformibus immersis, calycis tubo ovoideo lunbo tru n c a to v.
4-lobo, baccis globosis aurantiacis ramulis terminalibus.
H a b . N o rth e rn I s la n d ; h ig h g ro u n d on th e east coast, etc., Colenso. Middle Is la n d ; P o r t Cooper,
L ya ll.
A small, prostrate, smooth, woody, branching shrub, a span to a foot high, with rigid, spreading, stout, opposite
branches, and veiy small coriaceous deep gi-een or yellowish tliick patent recurved leaves, 4M’ ^nch long, hnear-
oblong, narrow, blunt, shining, veinless, narrowed into a veiy short petiole. Female flowers alone seen, and after
the corolla has fallen away. Ovarium ovoid, sunk in the cup-shaped conuate stipules. Calyx tube quite smooth;
limb 4-lobed or wanting. The calyx-lobes appear sometimes to lengthen a httle as the fruit ripens. Berry
globose, fleshy, about 3 lines in diameter, sweet aud eatable.—This much resembles a very small state of C. cuneata.
17. Coprosma cuneata, Hook. f il .; fruticulus lignosus, rigidus, ramosissimus, erectus v. p rostratus, ramis
validis cortice palhdo cicatricatis foliosis ultimis pubescentibus, foliis patuHs recurvis crassis coriaceisque
enerviis brevissime petiolatis (4~4 unc.) longis marginibus subrecurvis anguste lineari-cuneatis lanceolatis
elliptico-oblongisve rariu s late cuneato-oblongis obovatisve subacutis obtusis retusis emarginatisve, stipulis
viUosis glabratisve, floribus maguis solitariis stipulis calyciformibus suffultis, calyce masc. 0, fcem. ore tru ii-
cato V . breviter 4-lobo, corolla la te campanulata lobis lineari-oblongis patuUs, antheris majusculis, baccis
ru b ris calycis dentibus brevissimis coronatis. Fl. A ntarc t. p . 21.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d , on th e mountains. Tongariro, B idw ill. Ruahine range, etc., Colenso.
A very rigid, woody, much-branched, small, prostrate or erect species, mth. whitish bark and leafy branches,
very variable in habit, and in the size and form of the foliage. Leaves numerous, 4 “ ! inch long, very thick aud
rigidly coriaceous, margins somewhat recurved, shortly petioled, linear-cuueate, lanceolate or oblong, rarely obovate,
blunt or notched, rarely sharp; stipules generally woolly at the mouth. Flowers large for the plant, 2-3 lines
long, sohtary, sessile. Calyx 0 in the male flower; female with the mouth truncate or four-lobed. Corolla broadly
campanulate, with four linear blunt lobes.—This species was first found in Lord Auckland’s Group.
§ d. Stems shrubby or herbaceous, creeping.
18. Coprosma repens, Hook. f il .; fruticulus longe repens, glaberrimus, ramosissimus, foliosus, ramis
ramulisque brevibus, foliis parvis 4 “4 njic. longis rigidis coriaceo-carnosis patulis elliptico-ovatis obovatisve
subacutis obtusisve iu petiolum brevem angusta tis supra planis concavisve su b tu s convexis, stipubs
brevibus, floribus ? parvis axillaribus solitariis calyce brevissime 4-lobo, coroUa tu b u lo sa ad medium 4-fida,
baccis magnis carnosis 2-4-cocc is. F l. An ta rc t. p . 2 3 . t. 16 A.
H a b . Mountains of th e N o rth e rn Islan d . Lak e Taupo, etc., Colenso.
A small, decidedly creeping species, with loiig, half-herbaceous, stout, whitish stems, growing amongst moss,
rooting everywhere, and with short, smooth branches. Leaves crowded, thick and coriaceous, 4-4 inch long, broadly
obovate or elliptic-ovate, blunt or sharp, plane or convex above, nerveless. Stipules short, broad. Flowers axillary,
small ; female alone known. Calyx short; deeply four-lobed ; lobes blunt. Corolla with a long tube, cleft to the
middle into linear erect or slightly-spreading lobes. Styles exserted, two to four, sometimes united towards the
base. Bm -y fleshy, as large as a pea, with two to four plano-convex seeds.
19. Coprosma p um ila , Hook, fil.; fruticulus repens, glaberrimus v. foliis junioribus ciliatis, ramidis
brevibus suberectis foUosis, foliis parvis (4 -4 unc.) longis Hneari- v. eUiptico-obovatis obtusis acutisve
rigidis coriaceo-carnosis in petiolum brevem angusta tis, floribus magnis axillaribus sessilibus, calyce brevi
4-fido, corolla tubulosa 4-fida, filamentis longissime exsertis, baccis carnosis 2-coccis. IIooJc. f i l . in Lond.
Jotirn. B o t. v. 9 . p . 4 6 5 . Fl. An ta rc t. t. 16 B. stib nom. C. repens.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . M o untains of th e interior, Colenso.
A small species, very similar to 0. repens in most particulars, but the foliage is narrower, ilowers larger, less
deeply divided, and the beny has only two seeds. I t is found in Tasmania, whence male specimens in flower were
figured in ‘ Flora Antarctica.’ Both the stamens and style are very much exserted ; the fonner have long pendulous
anthers. The flowers are as long as or longer than the leaves, rather inflated, or campanulate towards the mouth.
Gen. I I . O PE R C U LA R IA , A . R ic h ^
limbus 3 -5 -lo b u s. Corolla 3 -b -M a . Stamina 1 - 5 . Semina sublævia.— 'G.t'ùy^basi sujfiruti-
culosæ. F o lia opposita, utrinque stipulata. Capitula globosa, terminalia, a u t ex dichotomiis ramorum orta,
pedunculata a u t subsessilia. Involuc rum universale 0, a u t fo l i i s 2 stipulisque 4 p a r v is constans. Invo-
Xosfxa giartialia gamogoJiylla, acute 3 -\9 -d e n ta ta . FC .
Herbaceous plauts, woody at the root, with opposite stipulate leaves, and flowers collected into dense, globose,
terminal or axillaiy, sessile or pedunculate heads, \^liich are surrounded by toothed partial invelucres of many
leaves united together. Calyx three- to five-lobed. Corolla three- to five-lobed. Stamens one to five. Capsides
opening like little boxes, whence the name (from operculum, a lid).—Tliis genus is almost peculiar to Australia and
Tasmania, where the species are numerous ; I know nothing of the two described below, of which there ai-e no specimens
in Cunningham’s Ilerbarhira.
1. Opcrcularia diphyUa,J)C. ; "c a p itu lis ex dichotomia ramorum stipitatis sphæricis, involucris p a rtialibus
setoso-hispidis, in capitulis p luribus 3 -4-iioris, coroliis 4 -andris.” L C . Prodr. v . 4. p . 616. A.
Cunn. Prodr.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d , B a n k s a n d Solander.
2. Opercularia asgiera, Gærtn. ; " fo liis oblongis scabris venosis, floribus capitatis pedunculatis axillaribus.”
BC . I. c .p . 616. A. Cunn. Prodr. Rubioides aspera. Ba n k s et Sol. 3LSS.
H a b . No rth e rn Island, Ba n k s a n d Solander. Bay of Islands, R . Cunningham.
Gen. I I I . N E R T E R A , Ba n k s et Sol.
Flores hermaphroditi. Calycis tu b u s ovoideus ; limbus tru n c a tu s v. obscure 4 -d en ta tu s. Corolla
tu bulosa V . infundibuliforrais, 4-loba. Stamina 4 ; filamenta basi corollæ in s e rta ; antheris longe exsertis.
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