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ruHs, flonbus gracile pedicellatis, sepalis obiongis obtusis acutis mucronatisve, capsuiis u t in F. calaractæ.
Hook. Io. P la n t, t. 6-15. Ben th . I. c.
H a b . N o rth e rn and Middie Islands. E a st coast, Taupo, Tongarü-o and Euabine mountains, etc.,
B id vn ll, Colenso, Du sk y Bay, Menzies.
Very nearly allied indeed to V. catamotæ, and only differing in the broader, shorter leaves, and in the sepals
not being acuminate. Sterne 1 -3 feet long, flexuose. prostrate, diffuse, sparingly branched. Leaves l - l j inch lono-.
I broad, similar in consistence, colom-, and toothing to V. cataractæ. Bacemes the same, but sepals blunter.
19. Veronica B idw illa , H o o t. ; parvula, herbácea, caule repente ramisque pro stratis foliosis apicibus
asceudentibus, foliis m inimis breve petiolatis obovatis obtusis grosse pauci-dentatis lobatisve glabris coriaceis
racemis erectis longe pedunculatis puberulis mu lti- v. paucifioris, floribus gracfle pedicellatis, sepalis oblongi!
obtusis capsulam bilobam æquantibus v. brevioribus. Hook. Ic . P la n t, t. 814.
H a b . Middle Islau d . W a rrau Pass nea r Nelson, elev. 225 0 feet, Bidw ill.
A very pretty species, and, as far as Mr. Bidwill’s specimens go, a very distinct one, resembling much a small
creeping EpiloUum. Stems rather stout for the size of the plant, branched, prostrate, creeping, pubernlons 3-5
inches long. Leaves thick and eoriaceous. 2 lines long, obovate, shortly petiolate, unequally distantly lobed or
toothed. Bacemes on peduncles 2 -4 inches long, few- or many-flowered, pubescent. Flowers small i inch across ■
pedicels slender, SepaU oblong, blunt. Corolla rotate, with the lateral lobes rounded and lower smaUest. Capsule
broadly obcordate, imbedded in the calyx or exserted.
20. Veronica L y a llii, Hook. fll. ; caule prostrato vage divaricatim ramoso, ramis diffusis ascendentibus
pubescentibus glanduloso-villosisve inferne bifariam pubescentibus, foliis coriaceis breve petiolatis obovatis
oblongis rotundatisve rarius ovato-lanceolatis obtusis glaberrimis grosse crenatis calloso-serratisve subtus
discoloribus, racemis longe pedunculatis erectis breviuscubs pauci- v. vix pluri-fioris, pedicellis inferioribus
præcipue elongatis basi foliaceo-bracteolatis, sepahs la te obovatis oblongisve subfoliaceis, coroUa ampla lobis
u t in D. B idw illii, capsula late obovata biloba calyce inclusa.
Var. /3 ; caule suberecto basi frutescente, foliis ovato-oblongis profunde crenato-dentatis.
H a b . Middle Island. Milford Sounds L ya ll.
A very beautiful Uttle species, but according to Dr. Lyall’s specimens a very variable one. In the usual state
the stems are slender, flexuose, woody at the base, a span to H foot long, diffusely branched ; the branches prostrate
covered with glandolai- pubescence. Leaves petiolate, i-X inch long, ovate or oblong, deeply coarsely toothed o!
crenate, conaceous. Bacemes few-flowered, on slender peduncles 3 inches long, pubescent. Flowers laro-e nearly
X meh broad, on slender pedicels, with a leafy bract at the base ; the pedicels of the lower flowers are lo n g e / some'
times , inch, SepaU broadly obovate, blunt or mucronate. large and leafy, as long as the capsule.—In var S the
stems are more robust, branches erect, and leaves deeply bluntly serrate, almost lohed,
21. Y tvom o a nivalis. Hook, fil.; humilis, prostrata, cæ.spitosa, ramosa, foliis breve petiolatis ovatis
obtusis crenatis supra glabratis subtus ramuhsque pubescentibus, pedunculis robustis elongatis apice co-
r ^ b o s i s pauciflons glanduloso-pubescentibus, sepalis ovato-oblongis subacutis hirtellis cihatis. Hook. Ic.
P la n t, t. 640. Ben th . I. c. V. Hookerianay Walpers, Uep.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Tongariro, BidwiU. Summit of Euahine range, Colenso.
A small, robust, sparingly branched, prostrate plant, a span or so long, with stout pubescent stem Leaves
nnmerons, approximate, petiolate, ovate, blunt, bluntly coarsely crenate. coriaceous, X ¡neb long, smooth on both
sides or dowmy below. PednneU axiflary, stout, erect, 3 inches long, bearing a small, subeorymbose, pubescent
glandular raceme of six to eight flowers, which are pedicellate. Lower pedieeU longer, stout, with leafy brae!
teolæ. SepaU oblong, blunt or subacute. glandular, pubescent, eihated. Capsules as short as or longer than the
calyx. Flowers wliite, with pink veins.
22. Veronica spathulata, B enth. ; liumilisy p rostrata, cæspitoso-ramosissimay foliis petiola tis obovato-
spathulatis crenatis supra glabris su b tu s ramulisque hirto-puberuHs, pedunculis folio paulo longioribus
apice pauciflorisy sepalis la te oblongis obtusis liirtis capsulam latam tru n c atam æquantibus. B e n th . I. c.
H a b . No rth e rn Island. ïonga riroy B idw ill.
Stems 2 -4 inches long, prostrate, branching, tufted, leafy. Leaves very thick and coriaceous, 4 inch long,
petioles as long, obovate-spathulate, with a few large blunt crenatures. Pedunclesvery little longer than the leaves,
stout, erect, with a few flowers at the top. Sepals oblong, blunt, as long as the broad truncate capsule.
23. Y^eronica Anayallis, L in n .; glabra v. rariu s puberula, decumbens, herbácea, flaccida, foliis sessilibus
semiamplexicaulibus rariu s breve petiolatis ovali-ellipticis oblongisve obtusis crenato-serratis crassiusculis
basi ro tunda tis, capsula membranácea su b ro tu n d a tú rg id a emai’ginata. L in n . Sp. P I. F kg l. B o t. f. 781.
B en th . I. c.
FIa b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Wa tery places on th e east coast, etc., Colenso.
A succulent plant, frequenting wet places j everywhere smooth, rarely pubescent. Stems rooting at the base,
a span to a foot long. Leaves 1 -2 inclies long, membranous when dry, oblong, blunt, obtusely crenate, with contracted
half-stem-clasping bases. Racemes numerous, axillaiy, opposite, longer than the leaves, many-flowered.
Peduncles patent or refiexed, 4 iuch long. Flowers pale blue or flesh-coloured.
24. Y’eronica elongata, B e n th .; caulibus elongatis procumbentibus vel rep tau tib u s glabris, foliis petio-
jatis late ovato-deltoideis inciso-serratis glabris v. u trin q u e hirtis, racemis brevibus 1-4 -flo ris v. elongatis
remote paucifioris depauperatis, bracteis oblongis, sepalis obovatis capsulam latam emarginatam su p eran tibus.
B en th . I. c. V. calycina, A . Cunn. Prodr. non B r .
H ab . N o rth e rn Islan d . Bay of Islan d s, Cunningham, etc.
Stems very long and slender (2 -3 feet), flexuose, glabrous or pubescent, prostrate, diffusely branched. Leaves
broadly ovate-cordate or deltoid, 4 -1 inch long, coarsely in-egularly crenate or toothed, three-nerved, glabrous or
slightly hairy, on petioles 4~4 iuch long. Peduncles axillary, stout, bearing short or elongated racemes of foui- to
ten flowers, 3-5 inches long. Pedicels elongate, 4 iuch long, with leafy bracts. Sepals leafy, obovate, blunt, 24
lines long, longer than the ripe capsule.—A very distinct species, closely allied to the Australian V. calycina.
Geu. YHII. O U R IS IA , Comm.
Calyx 5-lobus v. -partitus. Corolla infundibuliformis, incurva v. o b liq u a ; Hmbi 5-fidi laciniis obtusis
planis. Stamina 4, didyuama, inclusa ; antheræ subreniformes, loculis divaricatis confluentibus. S ty lu s
apice capitato-stigmatosus. loculicide b iv a ltis ; valvulis medio septiferis, placentas auferentibus.
Semina plurima ; te sta laxa, reticulata. Benth. in BC . Prodr.
Erect or creeping herbs, natives of Australia, Tasmama, New Zealand, and the mountains of South America.
Leaves opposite, radical or cauline, or both, the latter sometimes whorled. Flowers axillary and solitaiy, or racemose,
or subumbellate. Calyx five-lobed or -parted. Corolla fimuel-shaped, with an oblique or incurved tube, and
five blunt lobes. Stamens Îowx, didyuamous. Anthers reuiform, two-ceUed ; cells divaricating, confluent at top.
Style capitate. Capsule two-valved, loculicidal. (Named iu honour of M. Ouris, Governor of the Falkland Islands,
who procured the first species from Fuegia.)
1. O a x iû am a c ro p h y lia ,'Rook.', elata, caule brevi repente, foliis radicalibus longe petiolatis ovato-
cordatis V . basi obliquis crenatis floralibns verticillatis oblongis, racemo multifloro umbeUiformi v. pedicellis
verticillatis, corollæ tubo limbi laciniis calyceque subæquilongo. IIooJc. Ic. P L t. 545, 5 4 6 . B en th . I. c.
H a b . N o rth e rn and Middle Islands. Mount Egmont, Bieffenhach. Ruahine mouutains, Colenso.
Chalky Bay, L ya ll.