
racemis 4-8-floris lateralibus brevibus v is uncialibus, floribus parvis, bracteis lobisque calycinis la te ovatis
acuminatis corollam superantibus, corolla parva, lobis la te ovatis.
H a b . N o rtb e ru Islan d . Auckland, Stephenson. E a s t coast, Ruahine mountains, etc., Colenso.
A remarkably distinct shrubby species, 6-8 feet high, which may be recoguized at once by its very slender
flexible branches, and almost filiform leaves. 6 -8 inches long, arising from comparatively very broad nearly square
sheaths, with membranous margins, truncated or almost two-lobed at the to p ; the leaves are rigid, not flexuose,
but erect, scarcely half a line broad, grooved on the upper surface for half-way up, and then three-augled to the
tip. Sacenm about an inch long, or less, of six to eight very small flowers, i inch long. Bracts and calyx lobes
ovate, acummate, as long as the corofla, whose lobes are ovate.—In many jespects tMs resembles the following species,
but the leaves are twice as long, and the bracts are not furnished with such long subrdate points.
9. Dracophyllum Lessonianum, A. R ic h .; fruticosum, ramis castaneis, foliis ramulis breviuscubs
fasciculatis 2 -8 -u n cialib u s angustissime lineari-subulatis supra planiusculis, vaginis elongatis brevibusve
abrupte tru n c atis cihatis, spicis lî-2 -u n c ia lib u s 5-8 -flo ris, floribus subremotis, bracteis fohisque calycinis
corolla longioribus gradatim longe acuminatis pungentibus, coroUæ lobis oblongo-lanceolatis. A . B ich . M o r i.
A . Cunn. Prodr. F l. A n ta rc t. Ardisia longifolia, f i atten u ata. B a n k s et Sol. MS S . e t Ic.
Var. fi. rohustum ; foliis brevioribus, spica pauciflora. D. robustum, F l. Antarct.
H a b . N o rth e rn and Middle Is lan d s ; frequent from Cook’s Straits northward. B a n k s a n d Solander, etc.
Best distinguished from the former, with which it has many characters in common, by the generally plane
upper surface of the leaves, which are only 2-3 inches long, by the less ciliated sheaths, and by the long acuminated
points of the bracts, which project beyond the flower. The leaves are generaUy borne on short lateral branches, and
not upon long very slender stems, as in B . Jilifolium. The racemes are long, many-flowered, H - 2 inches long,‘with
the flowers somewhat distichously arranged ; they are longer and the flowers smaUer W a a ia I>. f i l i f o l i u j ’ The
var. rohustum has more rigid leaves and shorter racemes, in which respects it approaches even more nearly the
10. Dracophyllum XJrvilleanum, A. R ic h .; fruticosum, ramis atris, foliis ramulis brevibus fasciculatis
2*-.3-uucialibus strictis angustissime lineari-subulatis supra canaliculatis, vaginis brevibus ciliatis abrupte
trunc atis, racemis brevibus 3-5-floris, floribus congestis, bracteis foUolisque calycinis late ovatis breviter
acumin ate, corollæ parvæ segmentis ovato-oblongis. A . R ich . Flora. A . Cunn. Prodr. F l. Antarct.
H a b . N o rth e rn and Middle Islands. Tasman’s Bay, E Urville. Bay of Islands, o n th e banks of the
Keri-Keri River, above th e faUs, Cimningham. Nelson, BidwiU.
I have again, since describing this plaut in the ‘ Flora Antarctica,’ examined an extensive suite of specimens
and am still mcUned to consider this as being quite a distinct plant from B . Lessonianum, thouÆ it requires some
care to diseriminate them ; on the other hand, it is so much nearer B. jilifolium in ail characters, except the lenoth
of the leaf, that I doubt these two proving distinct, though so different-looking at first sight. Stems slender, always
very black in my Bay of Islands specimeus. Leaves quite simUar to those of B . Lessonianum, b u t distinctly channelled.
Eacemes smaU, short ( i inch long), few, three- to five-flowered. Bracts broadly ovate, acuminate, shorter
than the flowers, which are as small as and quite similar to those of B.filifolium.
11. Dracophyllum scoparium. Hook. 111.; arbuscula, ramis ramulisque fasciculatis strictis, foliis e basi
vaginante gradatim angustatis subulatis strictis 1 - 2 unc. longis rigidis margine pubescentibus v. glabratis
supra medium planiusculis dein ad apicem trigonis, spicis brevibus dense sub-4-íloris, bracteis foliolisque
calycinis corollam brevem superantibus sericeis glabratisve, corollæ lobis brevibus late ovatis F l Antarct
p . 4 7 . t. 33.
H a b , N o rth ern Islan d . Top of Euahine Mountains, Colenso. Chatham Islan d , Bieffenhach.
This small species was first described from Campbell’s Island specimens, which are much less pubescent than
those from Chatham Island. In the latter the leaves are beautifully margined with white down. Mr. Colenso’s
specimens are quite glabrous. In general characters the foliage resembles that of J). Lessonianum, but is more rigid,
and the leaves are shorter (the longest 3 inches) ; the sheaths are not abruptly trimcate, and the raceme is very
short, -I—4 inch, and consists of a dense club-shaped spike of numerous bracts, and three or four small flowers. The
bracts and calycine leaves are ovate, acuminate, more or less silky and woolly or glabrous, and the corolla is small,
2 lines long, with a short tube and broad ovate lobes.
12. Dracophyllum suhulaturn, Hook. fil. ; fruticosum, erectum, ramis fuscis gracilibus sparse foliatis,
foliis fasciculatis e vagina la ta ciliata abrupte angusta tis ciliatis rigidis subtrique tris -uncialibus, racemis
foliis brevioribus v. æquilongis lateralibus ramnlisve brevissimis termina libus pauc i(2 -4 )-flo ris, floribus
plerumque congestis parvis, bracteis foliolisque calycinis la te ovatis acuminatis corollam superantibus,
corollæ tubo brevi, lobis latis. F l. Antarct. p . 50.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Barren plains a t Tewaiiti, base of Tongariro, etc., Colenso.
A distinct-looking little bushy twiggy plant, with veiy slender stems, 3 -6 feet high, sometimes drooping
branches, and tufts of small leaves, never an inch long, usually about sometimes only 4 inch. The spikes are
small in proportion, of two to foui- flowers, surrounded with bracteæ which exceed the corolla in length ; sometimes
the racemes are converted into dense ovoid masses of leaves, probably owing to the puncture of an insect.
13. Dracophyllum rosmarinifolium, Br. ; fruticulus, caule erecto v. decumbente fastigiatim ramoso,
foliis - |- 14-uncialibus erectis rigidis coriaceis subulatis obtusis dorso convexis striatis supra canaliculatis,
vagina latiuscula ciHata, floribus solitariis erectis breve pedicellatis multibracteatis, bracteis ovato-lanceolatis
foliolisque calycinis apice angustatis obtusis, corollæ brevis lobis late ovatis. Brown, Frodr. p . 5 5 6 in nota.
A. R ich . Flora. A . Cunn. Frodr. DC. Frodr. Epacris rosmarinifolia, Forst. Frodr.
H a b . Middle Islan d . Du sk y Bay, Forster, L ijall. Nelson, tops of th e mountains, B idw ill.
A remarkably distinct little species, though at first sight resembling a stunted foi-m of D. svlbulatum. Branches
prostrate, ascending, woody, fasciculate, 3 -8 inches long, sometimes depressed. Leaves very short, inch long,
but comparatively broad, rigid, blunt, convex and striated at the back. Flowers solitary in all Forster’s, Dr. Lyall’s,
and Mr. Bidwill’s specimens, though the inflorescence must be regarded as a reduced raceme. Feduncle short, erect,
covered with the ovate bracteæ, which, as well as the calyx-leaflets, have contracted blunt points.
14. Dracophyllum recui'vum. Hook. fil. ; fruticulus erectus, robustus, ramosus, foliis ad apices foliorum
plurimis recurvis 1 - 14 -uncialibus e vagina dilata ta linearibus obtusis rigidis apices versus angustatis supra
canaliculatis subtus convexis, floribus in racemos terminales ovoideos dense congestis bracteatis, bracteis
foliohsqne calycinis late ovatis acumiuatis. Fl. An ta rc t. p . 50.
H a b . Mountains of th e N o rth e rn Island. Tongariro, BidwiU. Mount H ik u ran g i and top of the
Ruahine mountains, Colenso.
One of the most distinct species of the genus, with the spreading recurved foliage of B . latifolium aud D.
squarrosum, but very different from these iu size and inflorescence. Stems stout, 6 -10 inches high, branched.
Leaves all crowded towards the ends of the branches, numerous, patent, recurved, rigid, linear, naiTowed to an
obtuse point, 1 -1 4 i«ch long, concave along the upper sm-face. Flowers iu dense, erect, terminal, ovoid heads,
small, suiTOundcd by ovate acuminate bracts.