FLORA OF NEW ZEALAND, [Scroplmlarineoe.
H a b . Middle an d Southern Islands. Dusky Bay, Forder. Otago, P o rt Preservation, and Euapuke
Island, L ya ll.
A small tree or large shrub, branching from the base, with often long branches, covered with uniform bright
green decussate leaves, and corymbs of large white, or pale blue, or purpUsh flowers. Branches pubescent, or h o lty
with two white Imes. Leaves | - 1 inch long, 2-6 lines broad, shining, oblong or lanceolate, acute or blunt, with a
muero. Bacmes hardly longer than the leaves, axillary or terminal, few-flowered, rarely corymbose, with fom- to six
(rarely eight to ten) pedicellate lai-ge flowers. Sepah fom-, sharp, shorter than the tube of the corolla. CoroUa 4
inch across. Capstih broadly ovate, about 6 Hues long.—This handsome plant is also a native of Lord Auckland’s
Group, Tierra del Fuego, and the Falkland Islands.
12. Veronica læcis, B e n th .; fraticosa, glabra, foliis basi in petiolum brevem'angustatis petiolatis ovali-
o b lo n g isv . late obovatis mucronatis crassis rigidis integerrimis costa carinatis, racemis brevibus ad apices
ramorum subcorymbosis pauci- v. multifloris leviter glanduloso-pnberuHs, sepabs 4 oblongis obtusis coroUæ
tu b um æquantibus v. brevioribus, corollæ lacinüs majoribus ovatis vix tu b um æquantibus. Benth. I. o.
Var. fi. c am om la ; fobis late obovatis obtusis subcarnosis cartUagineo-margiuatis costa dorso valido v.
H a b. N o rth e rn and Middle Islands. Tongariro, BidwiU. Eu ab in e range, Colenso. Nelson, monntains
2 -6 0 0 0 feet, BidwiU.
A small shrub, 2 -4 feet high, quite smooth, except the raceme, which is pubescent. Stems and hranclies thick,
woody, scarred, black. Leaves small, i - f inch long, numerous, decussate, very thick and coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate
or obovate, acute, concave, mucronate, sessüe or narrowed into a very short thick petiole. Bacemes in the
upper axüs, short, many- or few-flowered. 4 -2 inches long. SepaU four, oblong, blunt, as long as the tube of the
corolla, or much shorter. Corolla veiy variable in length. Stamms included or exserted. The var. /3 has much
broader aud abnost fleshy leaves.—This species is too nearly aUied to V. buxifolia.
13. Veronica buxifolia, Benth. ; fraticosa, glaberrima, fobis breviter petiolatis ovali-elbpticis vix m u cronatis
mtegerrimis crassis rigidis concavis basi tru n c atis, racemis brevissimis paucifioris ad apices ram u lorum
congestis, floribus subsessilibus, sepabs 4 obtusissimis corollæ tu b um æquantibus, corollæ laciniis majoribus
ovatis tubo æquilongis, staminibus corolla vix brevioribus. Ben th . I. c.
H a b. N o rth e rn and Middle Islands, Euahine mountains, Cb&Mo. Nelson, a ltitu d e 6 0 0 0
feety B idw ill.
A glabrous shrub, 3-3 feet high, very Hke V. lævis in most characters, but smaHer, with the leaves more
densely imbricated, and truncated above the petiole. Bacemes shorter, fewer-flowered. Leaves 4 -4 inch long, very
thick, coriaceous, sharp, keeled, concave, suddenly truncate, with a short thick petiole and slender midrib. Racemes
scarcely longer than the leaves, few-flowered. Mowers large, white with purple veins.—Very nearly allied to V.
lams, and perhaps not distinct; the V. oiora of Lord Auckland’s Group (FL Antarct. p. 62. t. 41) is probably a
variety of this.
14. Yeronica tetragona, Hook. ; fruticulosa, humilis, ramosissima, foliis arete quadrifariam imbricatis
ovatis obtusiusculis carinatis crassis nitidis basi latis lanosis cæterum glabris, floribus paucis in apicibus ra mulorum
subsessilibus, sepalis oblongis obtusis rigidis corollæ tubum æquantibus. liooh. Ic. P I. t. 580.
Benth. 1. c. Podocarpus Dieffenbachii, Ic. P la n t.
H a b . N o rth e rn Island. Tongariro, BidwiU. Mo u n t H ik u ran g i, Colenso.
A most remarkable species, quite like Bacrydium taxifolium in young foliage. Shrubby, 8 -10 inches high.
Stems and branches very woody, densely covered with imbricated decussate leaves. Leaves connate, very thick and
conaceous, ovate, blunt, keeled, shining, woolly inside at the base. Mowers few, nearly sessile.
15. Yeronica pimeleoides. Hook. fil. ; suffruticulus p arvus, parce ramosus, ramis pubescenti-villosis,
foliis la te obovato-orbiculatis subacutis 1 -3 -n e rv iis enerviisve crassis et subcarnosis, racemis brevibus sub-
terminalibus paucifioris lanatis, floribus brevissime petiolatis, sepalis ovatis acutis ciliatis corollæ tu b o lo n g ioribus
capsula dimidio brevioribus, valvis capsulæ bifidis.
H a b . Middle Islan d . P o rt Cooper, L ya ll.
A very small shrub, a span high, resembling Pimelea prostrata. Stems woody, scarred, covered with white
down. Leaves \ inch loug, broadly obovate, nearly sessile, wi-mkled when dry, with one to three parallel nerves, or
nerveless. Plowers in axillary or terminal villous racemes, sessile, six- to eight-flowered.—A remarkably distinct
little species.
16. Yeronica Lavaudiana, K ao u l; suffruticulus ramosus, ramis erectis v. ascendentibus laxe foliosis
glanduloso-pubescentibus, foliis sparsis oppositis lineari- v. obovato- v. rotunda to-spathulatis in petiolum ang
u statis obtusis crenato-dentatis coriaceis, racemis glanduloso-biisutis ad apices ramulorum paniculatis
corymbosisve multifloris, floribus congestis subsessilibus subdistichis, sepalis ovatis acuminatis capsulam
brevem subæquantibus. Ra o u l, Choix de Plantes, p . 16. 1 .10.
H a b. Middle Island. Akaroa, Raoul. P o rt Cooper, L ya ll.
A remarkably distinct and pretty little species, with much too loosely placed leaves to harmonize well with the
other species of this section.—A span to a foot high ; branches and racemes glandular, pubescent. Leaves spreading,
obovate, or linear-obovate, or rounded-spathulate, blunt, crenate, coriaceous, 1 inch long. Racemes paniculate, or
corymbose at the generally elongated ends of the branches ; with small leaves at the bases of tbe peduncles, whence
the branches appear paniculate. Flowers crowded, somewhat distichous, sessile. Sepals ovate, acute, nearly as long
as the small coriaceous blunt capsule, whose valves are bifid.
§ c. Herbaceous, prostrate or creeping plants, with slendo' woody stems, and scattered, opposite, toothed, smooth
leaves. Racemes axillary and terminal, simple, ei'ect, solitary. Capsule broad, laterally compressed, two-lobed,
17. Yeronica cataractæ, F o rs t.; suffruticosa, ramosa, prostrata, ramis gracilibus elongatis flexuosis
bifariam puberulis, foliis petiolatis lanceolatis lineari-laneeolatisve grosse serratis crassis discoloribus glabris
1-nerviis, racemis elongatis puberulis louge pedunculatis, pedicellis gracilibus puberulis, sepalis la te ovatis
oblongisve acutis, floribus ampiis, capsulis tu i’gidis la te obcordatis bilobis. Forst. Prodr. A . Cunn. Prodr.
Ben th , I. c.
Y^ar. /3. lanceolata; foliis anguste lineari-lanceolatis petiolatis calloso-serratis. Y. lanceolata, B en th . I. c.
Var. y. minor ; gracilis, foliis unciaHbus lanceolatis, racemis minoribus.
H a b . Mountains of th e N o rth e rn Islan d , and in tb e Southern an d Yiiddle Islan d s ; abundant, Forster,
Bieffenhach, L ya ll.
A very handsome but extremely variable species, of which I have superb specimens from Dr. Lyall’s Herbarium,
collected in Dusky Bay.— Stems 4 inches to 24 feet long, slender, >vith two lines of pubescence. Leaves 4 -4 inches
long, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, petiolate, acummate, coarsely sen*ate, coriaceous, one-nerved, pale below. Racemes
axillary, on slender peduncles, 3 -6 inches long, many-flowered. Mowers loosely disposed, on slender pedicels
4 incli long. Sepals ovate or lanceolate, blunt, acute, or acummate. Corolla 4 - j i^ch across. Capside turgid, 4
inch broad, two-lobed.—The Northern-Islaiid specimens are all smaller than those from Dusky Bay ; some are quite
small, and approach states of the following closely allied species.
18. Yerouica diffusa, H o o k .f ll.; caule prostrato suffruticoso elongato diffuso, ramis flexuoso-ascen-
deutibus glabris v. tenuissime bifariam puberulis, foliis brevissime petiolatis ovatis ovato-lanceolatisve grosse
calloso-serratis basi rotunda tis crassiusculis glabris, racemis longe pedunculatis simplicibus axillaribus pube