membranaceis glaberrimis, th jrs is abbreviatis axillaribus 8-10-floris, floribus parvis, calyce ovoideo tubo
la te campanulato (sæpe deciduo) coronato, capsula parva globosa 3-loba 3-valvi. A. Cunn. Prodr. T a b . X V I.
H ab . N o rth e rn and Middle Is la n d s ; common in woods. Bay of Islands, Cunningham, etc.; Akaroa,
R a o u l; Chalky Bay, LyaU. Rl. December.
A slender, twiggy, climbing shrub, with dichotomous divaricating branches, the ultimate ones tetragonous,
pubescent, appearing like pinnate leaves. Leaves (^—| inch) membranous (for the genus), sessile, ovate, subacute,
with a short point. Thyrsi lateral or axillary, 1 inch long, with ten to twelve small pedicellate flowers, resembling
those of M. diffusa, but shorter and smaller, scarlet. Capsule very small, globose, three-lobed, three-valved to the
base.—This and the following are the smallest and most slender species of the genus. P late XVI. Fig. 1, flower ;
2, section of ovarmm ; 3, capsule ; 4, vertical section of the same ; 5, seed
6. Metrosideros Colensoi, Hook. fil. ; frutex scandens, gracilis, distiche ramosus, ramulis velutinis, foliis
( x - | unc.) distichis quasi pinna tis sessilibus ovato- v. oblongo-lanceolatis acutis pubescentibus v. glabratis
submembranaceis, thyrsis axülaribus lateralibusque rarius terminalibus pubescentibus, floribus parvis gracile
pedicellatis, calyce basi angusto in tu b um campanulatiim producto, capsula submembrauacea globosa pubescente
calycis tubo campanulato breviore ad basin 3-valvi.
H a b . N o rth e rn Islan d . Bay of Islan d s and east coast, Edgerley, Colenso, etc.
Very similar to tbe last, but readily distinguished by the sharp leaves, tomentose ramuli, downy leaves, flowers,
and fruit, and larger capsules. T\iq panicle is generally effuse, and 11 inch long, but sometimes contracted.
§ c. Capsule surrounded belato the middle by the persistent calyx-tube ; the three valves free above.
7. Aletrosideros robusta, A. C u n n .; arbor erecta, ramosa, ramnlis 4-goüis puberulis, fobis (H unc.)
petiolatis elbptico-oblongis obovatisve obtusis coriaceis subaveniis reticularis, thyrsis terminalibus subtricbo-
tome ramosis puberulis, calyce obconico v. infundibuliformi, capsulis oblongis obtusis calycis limbo in crassato
5-deutato medio cinctis superne 3-valvibus. A . Ounn. Prodr. M. florida, Hook. Bo t. Mag. t, 44 7 1 .
T a b . X V II.
H a b . N o rth e rn Island, especially near th e sea-coast; ab u n d an t ab o u t tb e Bay of Islands, Cunningham,
etc. N a t. name, "R a t a ,” Cunningham. (Cultivated in En g lan d .)
A tall tree, 60-80 feet high, branching above, erect, never scandent; wood hard, close-grained, successfully
employed for ship-building. Leaves (1-^incb) on short petioles, elliptic-oblong or obovate, smooth, coriaceous,
blunt, minutely reticulated with many nerves. Thyrsi broad, terminal, of many handsome scarlet flowers ; branches
and peduncles stout, angled, and calyx pubescent. Calyx obconic, five-toothed. Petals and stamens (^ inch)
scarlet. Fruit an oblong, often pubescent capsule, ( i - i inch long,) encircled at the middle by the coriaceous thick
rim of the calyx; valves three, blunt, free.—Very similar to the M.florida, but flowers a deeper scarlet, and the
fruit widely different. P late XVII. Fig. 1, petal; 2, vertical section of germen ; 3, capsule; 4, vertical section of
the same ; 5, seed :—all magnified.
8. Metrosideros tomentosa, k . C u n n .; arbor robusta, ramulis (crassis) foliis subtus intlorescentiaque
dense albido-velutino-tomentosis, foliis valde coriaceis (3 -4 unc.) elliptico-lanceolatis rarius late ovatis acutis
valide petiolatis marginibus recurvis, thyrsis breve pedunculatis multifloris, floribus te rnis sessilibus calycis
tubo brevi obconico, capsula sublignosa medio calycis tubo incrassato cincta apice 3-valvi. A. Rich. Flora.
A . Cunn. Prodr. M. excelsa. B a n k s et Sol. M S S .
H a b . Rocky coasts, etc., of th e N o rth e rn Islan d ; ab u n d an t, B a n k s and Solander, etc. Fl. December.
N a t. name, " Pobutu-Kawa,” Cunningham. (Cultivated in England.)
A common, and, when in flower, very handsome, small, stout, branching tree, 30-40 feet high. Branches thick,
round, woody; leaves below and inflorescence densely covered with a white velvety tomentum. Leaves very coriaceous,
elliptic, (3 -4 inches long,) reticulately veined above. Thyrsi terminal, of many scarlet flowers. Capsule large,
^ inch long, woody, surrounded at the middle by the thick calyx-tube.
9. Metrosideros scandens, Banks e t S o l ; arbor alte scandens, diohotome ramosa, ramulis densifoliis
foliis subtus pedunculisque liirto-pubesceiitibus, foliis pai-vis ( i unc.) distichis brevissime petiolatis elliptico
oblongis rotunda tisve basi ro tu n d a tis v. cordatis obtusis coriaceis super lucidis su b ter 3-nerviis punctatis,
thyrsis terminalibus subtrichotomis 6- 8-floris, calycibus tu rb iu a tis glaberrimis, capsulis parvis globosis
calycis persistentis tubo 5-dentato ad medium cinctis 3-valvibus. B a n k s et Sol. M S S . et Ic . Goertner, v. 1.
t. 34. M. perforata, A . E ich . Mora. A . Ounn. Prodr. M. buxifolia, A . Ounn. Prodr. Hook. Bo t. Mag.
Melaleuca et Leptospermum perforatum, Forst.
H a b . N o rth e rn an d Middle Islands, Forster, B a n k s and Solander, etc. Common in th e forests. I ’l.
December. N a t. name, “ A ia ,” Okmk¿)íí'/í». (Cultivated in En g lan d .)
Cunningham’s name of M. buxifolia is very appbcable, but the plant he describes is clearly identical with
M. scanckm°— k climbing large shrab or small tree, with very leafy dichotomous pubescent branches. Leaves
distichous, almost sessile, uniform in size ( i inch), broadly elliptical-ovate, oblong or rounded, very coriaceous,
with recurved margins, glossy above, paler, three-nerved, punctate and hairy below. Tkgrsi of six to eight white
smaU flowers, tenninal ; peduncles and pedicels pubescent. Calyx quite smooth and glossy. Stamens i inch long.
Capsule size of that of J f. hypericifolia, globose.—Wood hard, heavy, handsome.
O b s . Metrosideros U a lic ifo lia , a . C w .\\.,iig ! sA \y im Ofeu, and partly Jflifa salicifolia, according to his ori-
giual specimens in Herb. Heward.
Gen. I I . L E P TO S P E RM UM , Porst.
Calycis tu b u s tu rb in a tu s ; lobis 5, valvatis. P e ta la 5, ro tu n d a ta, concava. Stamina numerosissima,
petalis breviora. Ovarium infemm, 4 -5 -lo c u la re ; ovulis perplurimis, pendulis ; stylo elongato, recto. Capsula
coriacea v. lignosa, 4 -5 -lo cu la ris, tu rb in a ta , apice 4 -5 -v alv is. Semina perplurima, Unearia.— Folia
alterna v. fa scicu la ta .
White-flowered shrubs, with fasciculate branches, and small, dotted, coriaceous, alternate leaves. FLoioers
axillaiy, solitary or fascicled, shortly pedicellate. Calyx tube turbinate, five-lobed; lobes valvate. Petals five,
rounded, concave. Stamens numerous, shorter than the petals. Style filiform ; stigma capitate. Capsule four- to
five-celled, fom’- to five-vaived, coriaceous or woody, bmsting at the top ; seeds very numerous, linear, pendulous from
the upper angle of the cell.—A large genus of shrubs aud small trees, confined to Australia, New Zealand, and
the Malay Islands; in the latter locality very few species are found, and those on the mountains only. The
species are very variable and difficult of discrimination ; even the two New Zealand ones, though distinct from one
another, run into varieties which are often taken for new species. (Name from Xstttos, slender, and aTT€p¡j.a, a seed.)
1. Leptospermum scoparium, F o r s t.; fmticosum, erectum (montibus pro stratum), ramubs angulatis
novellis foliisque jun io rib u s sericeo-pubescentibns, foliis brevissime petiolatis (2 -5 lin.) patulis v. recurvis o rbiculatis
V. ovatis V. lineari-lanceolatis bnearibusve acuminatis p ungentibus concavis rigide coriaceis enerviis
punctatis, floribus axillaribus v. ramulis brevissimis te rminabbus sessilibus, calyce brevi tu rb in a to glabro
lobis deciduis ro tu n d a tis, capsula lignosa calyce semi-immersa apice 5-valvi. Forst. Gen. Smith, Trans.
L in n . Soc. DC. Prodr. A. R ich . Flor. A . Cunn. Prodr.
Var. a . scoparium; erectum, foliis lanceolatis. L. scoparium, Forst.
Var. /3. lin ifo lium ; erectum, foliis anguste lineari-lanceolatis. L . squarrosum, Gærtner, v. 1. p . 174.
Var. 7 . m y r tifo liw n ; erectum, foliis ovatis patulis v. recurvis.