>773- age. It lies in the direction of S. by E. i E.; diftant four
--------- 1 miles from the outermoft of the Two Brothers, and in a
TueMay is. wjtjj tjje white Rocks, on with the middle of Long
Ifland. It is juft even with the furface of the fea, and hath
deep water all round it. At noon, Lieutenant Kemp of the
Adventure came on board ; from whom I learnt that their
Ihip had been here about fix weeks. With the affiftance of
a light breeze, our boats, and the tides, we, at fix o’clock
in the evening, got to an anchor in Ship Cove near the Adventure
; when Captain Furneaux came on board, and gave
me the following account of his proceedings, from the time
we parted, to my arrival here.
Captain Furneaux s Narrative, from the Time the two
Ships were feparated., to their joining again in §jueen
Charlottes Sound, with fome Account o f Nan Diemen s
ON the 7th of February 1773, in the morning, the Refo- ,773.
lution being then about two miles ahead, the wind , Febniarr-
fhifting then to the Weftward, brought on a very thick fog, Su"ia)’ t-
fo that we loft fight of her. We foon after heard a gun, the
report of which we imagined to be on the larboard beam ;
we then hauled up S. E., and kept firing a four pounder
every half hour; but had no anfwer, nor further fight of
her; then we kept the courfe we fteered on before the fog
came on. In the evening it began to blow hard, and was,
at intervals, more clear; but could fee nothing of her,
which gave us much uneafinefs. We then tacked and flood
to the weftward, to cruize in the place where we laft faw
her, according to agreement in cafe of reparation ; but,
next day, came on a very heavy gale of wind and thick Monday 3.
weather, that obliged us to bring to, and thereby prevented
us reaching the intended fpot. However, the wind coming
more moderate, and the fog in fome meafure clearing away,
we cruized as near the place as we could get, for three days;
when, giving over all hopes of joining company again, we
bore away for winter-quarters, diftant fourteen hundred
leagues, through a fea entirely unknown, and reduced the
allowance of water to one quart per day.
P 3 We