F iv e o f the Plates, c onfiji mg o f various Articles', the following
Explanation o f them is fubjoined.
No. XVII. Ornaments and weapons at the Marquefas, thus marked.
1. A gorget ornamented with red peafe.— 2. An ornament
for the head.— 3. A club,— 4. A Head-drefs.
— 5. A fan.
XVIII. Weapons, &c. at Mallicollo and Tanna. 1. A bow.—
2. Stones worn in the nofe— 3. Mufical reeds, a
Syrinx.„-4. A club.— 3. The point of ah arrow.—
. 6. The arrow entire. '1
XIX. Specimens of New Zealand workmanship, &c.— 1, and
2. Different views of an adze.—3. A faw.— 4. A fhell.
XX. Ornaments, weapons, &c. at New Caledonia, x. A
lance.— 2. The ornamented part, on a larger fcale.—
3. A cap ornamented with feathers, and girt with a
Higg-—4- A comb.— 3. A becket, or piece of cord
made of cocoa-nut bark, ufed in throwing their lances.
— 6, and 7. Different clubs.— 8. A pick-axe ufed m
cultivating the ground.— 9. An adze.
XXI. Ornaments, utenfils, and weapons at the Friendly Ifles.
1. A bow and arrow.— 2. A frontlet of red feathers.
3. 6. Bafkets.— 4. A comb.— 5. A mufical inflrument,
compofed of reeds_7. A club.— 8. The end
of a lance; the point of which is wood hardened in
the fire.—9. The aforefaid lance entire.
T O W A R D S t h :E
s 0 u T H P O L E,
R 0 U N D T H E W O R L
B O O K I.
From our Departure from England, to leaving
the Society Ifles, the firft Time.
C H A P . I.
Pajfage from Deptford to the Cape o f Good Hope, with an
Account o f feveral Incidents that happened by the
Way, and PranfaEiions there.
I SA ILED from Deptford, April 9 th, 1772, but got no
farther than Woolwich; where I was detained by
eafterly winds till the 32d, when the fliip fell down to
Long Reach, and the next day was joined by the Adventure.
Here both fhips received on board their powder, guns, gunner’s
ftores, and marines.
Vol. I- E on