And now it may be neceflary to fay, that, as I am on the
point of failing on a third expedition, I leave this account o f
my lafl: voyage in the hands of fome friends, who in my ab-
fence have kindly accepted the office o f correcting the prefs
for me ; who are pleafed to think, that what I have here to
relate is better to be given in my ow n words,, than in the
words o f another perfon ; efpecially as it is a work defigned
for information, and not merely for amufement; in which,
it is their opinion, that candour and fidelity will counterbalance
the want o f ornament.
I fhall therefore conclude this introductory difcourfe
with defiring the reader to excufe the inaccuracies of ftyle,
which doubtlefs he will frequently meet with in the following
narrative; and that, when fuch occur, he will recollect that
it is the production o f a man, who has riot had the advantage
o f much fchool education, but who has been conftantly
atfeafrom his youth; and though, with the affiftance of a
few good friends, he has palled through all the ftations belonging
to a feaman, from an apprentice boy in the coal
trade, to a Poll Captain in the Royal Navy, he has had no
opportunity o f cultivating letters. After this account of
myfelf, the Public muft not expert from me the elegance of
a fine writer, or the plaufibility of a profefled book-maker;
but will, I hope, confider me as a plain man, zealoufly exerting
himfelf in .the fervice o f his Country, and determined
to give the beft account he is able of bis proceedings.
Plymouth Sound',
July j, 1776.
n p '
L I S T of t h e P L A T E S ,
With D irections for placing them.
[As the Plates, for the fake of expedition, were printed off as faff
as they were Hnilhed, it’ was neceffary to number them, before
any confideration could be had of the proper arrangement. They
are to be placed in the following order.]
V O L . I.
Print of Captain Cook fronts the Title-page.
1 Chart of the Southern Hemifphere, , ihewing
Captain Cook’s tracks, and thole--of fome of
the mod diftinguifhed navigators
8 Port Praya, in the Ifland of St. Jago, one of the
Capede'Verds - - -
37 View of the Ice-Iflands
,70 ' New Zealand fpruce - - .
75 Family in Dufky-Bay,"New Zealand
92' Sketch of Dufky-Bay, New Zealand
96 Flax planf of New Zealand
97 Poi Bird of’New Zealand
ibo Tea Plant ofNew Zealand
115 Van Diemen’s Land - -
154 OtooKingof Otaheite
157 Plant ufed at Otaheite to catch fifh by intoxicating
them* -
iy g Potatow, Chief of Attahourou, in Otaheite
169 Omai, who was brought to England by Cap-
* tain Furheaux - BJ
XXX. -
* Captain Cook takes no notice of this in his journals ; hut the plate having been put into
the hands of the publiiher, he thought itincumbent upon him to find a place for it m this work,
and the explanation of it here adopted, was £iven him by a friend of Captain Coo , w o
affined him, he had it from a gentleman well acquainted with the natural produftions of Qtahsite.