party of the officers went over to the North fide of the bay,
having with them the fmall cutter to convey them from
place to place.
Next morning, accompanied by Mr. Forfter, I went in the
pinnace to furvey the ifles and rocks which lie in the mouth
of the bay. I began firft with thofe which lie on the S. E.
fide of Anchor Ifle. I found here a very fnug cove fliel-
tered from all winds, which we called Luncheon Cove, be-
caufe here we dined on cray-filh, on the fide of a pleafant
brook, /haded by the trees from both wind and fun. After
dinner we proceeded, by rowing, out to the- utermoft ifles,
where we faw many feals, -fourteen of which we killed and
brought away with u s ; and might have got many more,
if the furf had permitted us to land, with fafety-, On all
■ the rocks. The next morning, I went out again to continue
the furvey, accompanied by Mr. Forfter. I intended
to have landed again on the Seal Ifles; but there ran fuch
a high fea that I could not come near them. With Tome
difficulty we rowed out to fea, and round the S. 'W. point
of Anchor Ifle. It happened very fortunately that chance
directed me to take this cöurfe; in which we found the
fpbrtfmen’s boat adrift, and laid hold Of her the very moment
/he would have been da/hed againft the rocks. I was
ndt long at a lofs to guefs how /he came there, ndr was I
under a’ny apprehenfions for the gentlemen that had been
in her; and, after refre’/hing Ourfelves .with fuch as we had
to eat and drink, and fecuring the boat in a fmall creek,
wè proceeded to the place where we fuppofed them to be.
This we reached about feven or eight o'clock in the evening,
and found them upon a fmall ifle in Goofe Cove, where,
as it was low water, we could not come with our boat until
the return of the tide. As this did not happen till three
o’clock in the morning, we landed on a naked beach, not
knowing where to find a better place, and, after fome time,
having got a fire and broiled fome fi/h, we made a hearty
fupper, having for fauce a good appetite. This done, we
lay down to fleep, having a ftony beach for a bed, and the
canopy of heaven for a covering. At length the tide permitted
us to take off the fportfmen; and with them we embarked,
and proceeded for the place where we had left their
boat, which weToon reached, having a fre£h breeze of wind
in our favour attended with rain. When we came to the creek
which was on the N. W. fide of Anchor Ifle, we found there
an immenfe number of blue peterels, fome on the wing»,
others in the woods in holes in the ground, under the roots
of trees, and in the crevices of rocks, where there was no-
getting them, and where we fuppofed their young were
depofited. As not one was- to be Zeen in the day, the old:
ones were probably, at that time, out at fea fearching for food,,
which in the evening they bring to their young. The noife-
they made was like the croaking of many frogs. They
were, I believe, of the broad bill kind, which are not fo
commonly feen at fea as the others. Here, however, they
are in great numbers; and, flying much about in the night,
fome of our gentlemen at firft took them for batts. After
reftori-ng the fportfmen to their boat, we all proceeded for
the /hip, which we reached by feven o’clock in the morning,
not a little fatigued with our expedition. I now learned
that our friends the natives returned to their habitation at
night; probably forefeeing that rain was at hand; which-
fort of weather continued the whole of this day.
Tuefday 13*
Wednef, j&i
On the morning of the 15th, the weather having cleared Thllrfday
up and become fair, I fet out with two boats, to continue the
* ... furvey