W3- tinued the whole day and the fucceeding night, after which
<— ^— > it fell calm, with fair weather.
Saturday 8. At feven in the morning on the 8th, Mr. Pickerfgill returned,
together with his companions, in no very good plight;
having been at the head of the arm he was fent to explore,
which he judged to extend in to the Eaftward about eight
miles. In it is a good anchoring-place, wood, frefh water,,
wild fowl and fiffi. " At nine o’clock I fet out to explore the
other inlet, or the one next thefea ; and ordered Mr. Gilbert
the matter to go and examine the paflage out to fea, while
thofe on board were getting every thing in readinefs to depart.
I proceeded up the inlet till five o’clock in the afternoon,
when bad weather obliged me to return, before I;
had feen the end of it. As this inlet lay nearly parallel with
the fea-coaft, I was of opinion that it might communicate-
with Doubtful Harbour, or fome other inlet to the Northward.
Appearances were, however, againft this opinion,,
and the bad weather hindered me from determining the
point, although a few hours would have done it. I was
about ten miles up, and thought I faw the end of it: I found
on the North fide three coves, in which, as alfo on the Souths
fide, between the main and the ifles that lie about four
miles up the inlet, is good anchorage, wood, water, and
what elfe can be expefted, fuch as filh and wild fowl: of
the latter we killed, in this excurfion, three dozen. After
a very hard row, againft both wind and rain, we got on
board about nine o’clock at night, without a dry thread ons
our backs.
, , This bad weather continued no longer than till the next Sunday 9, 0
morning, when it became fair, and the Iky cleared up. But
as we had not wind to carry us to fea, we made up two;
fhooting parties ; myfelf, accompanied by the two Mr. For-
fters and fome others, went to the arm I was in the day before
; and the other party to the coves and ifles Mr. Gilbert
had difcovered, when he was out, and where he found
many wild fowl. We had a pleafant day, and the evening
brought us all on board ; myfelf and party met with good
fport; but the other party found little."
Sunday 9.
All the forenoon of the loth, we had ftrong gales from the Monday io,
Weft, attended with heavy fhowers of rain, and blowing in
fuch flurries over high land, as made it unfafe for us to get
under fail. The afternoon was more moderate, and became
fair; when myfelf, Mr. Cooper, and fome others, went
out in the boats to the rocks, which lie at this entrance of
the bay, to kill feals. The weather was rather unfavourable
for this fport, and the fea ran high, fo as to make landing
difficult; we, however, killed ten; but could only wait
to bring away five, with which we returned on board.
In the morning of the nth, while we were getting under Tuefday u .
fail, I fent a boat for the other five feals; At nine o’clock
we weighed, with a light breeze at S. E., and flood out to
fea, taking up the boat in our way. It was noon before
we got clear of the land ; at which time we obferved in 450
34' 30" South; the entrance of the bay bore S. E. by E. and
Break-fea ifles (the outermoft ifles that lie at the South point
of the entrance of the bay) bore S. S. E. diftant three miles;
the fouthernmoft point, or that of Five Fingers Point, bore
South 42° Weft; and the northernmoft land N. N. E. In this
fituation we had a prodigious fwell from S. W., which
broke, with great violence, on all the fhores that were ex-
pofed to it.
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