Mgfe Roggewem.
G E N E R A L I N T R O D U C T I O N ,
articles of his inftruftions, he did not find any unknown
fouthern land.
The Dutch, in 1 7 2 1 , fitted out three {hips to make
difcoveries in the South Pacific Ocean, under the com-
mand of Admiral Roggewein. He left the Texel on the
2 i ff o f Auguft, and arriving in that ocean, by going round
Cape Horn, difcovered Eafter I{land; probably feen before,
though not vifited, by Da vis* ;— then, between 14- 4 T
and 1 50 47' South latitude, and between the longitude
of 1420 and 1 5 o° Weft, fell in with feveral other iflands,
which I take to be Tome of thofe feen by the late Englifli
navigators.— He next difcovered two iflands in latitude 150
South, longitude 170° Weft, which he called Baumen’s
Iflands;— and, laftly, Single Ifland, in latitude 130 4 1 ' S.
longitude 17 10 30' Weft.— Thefe three.iflands are, undoubtedly,
the fame that Bougainville calls the Ifles o f Navigators.
In 1738, the French Eaft India Company fent Lozier
Bouvet with two fhips, the Eagle and Mary, to make dif-
coveries in the South Atlantic Ocean. He failed from Port
L ’Orient on the 19th of July, in that year ; touched at the
Ifland of St. Catharine; and from thence fhaped his courfe
towards the S. E.
On the 1 ft of January 173 9, he difcovered land, or
what he judged to be land, in the latitude 54° South, longitude
gitude i i ° Eaft. It will appear in the courfe of the following
narrative, that we made feveral attempts to find
this land without fuccefs. It is, therefore, very probable,
that what Bouvet law was nothing more than a large içe-
ifland. From hence he flood to the Eaft, in 510 o f latitude,
to 350 of Eaft: longitude: after which the.two fhips
feparated, one going to the Ifland of Mauritius, and the
other returning to France.
After this voyage o f Bouvet, the fpirit o f difeovery
ceafed, till his prefent Majefty formed a defign o f making
difcoveries, and exploring the Southern Hemifphere ; and, in
the year 1764, diredted it to be put in execution.
Accordingly, Commodore Byron, having under his com- 1764.
mand the Dolphin and Tamer, failed from the Downs on the y
21ft o f June the fame year; and having vifited the Falkland
Iflands, pafled through the Straits o f Magalhaens, into
the Pacific Ocean, where he difcovered the Iflands o f D if-
appointment;— George’s ;— Prince of Wales’s ;—the Iflesof
Danger ;_York Ifland ; _ and Byron Ifland.
He returned to England the 9th o f May 1766, and, in 1766.
a ]
the month o f Auguft following, the Dolphin was again
fent out, under the command o f Captain Wallis, with the
Swallow, commanded by Captain Carteret.
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